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Profile oddities
Bug #: 788
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 04-22-06 04:12 PM
By: Aileen
Status: Cant Reproduce
This is using the latest revision out of SVN at the time of this post. There is something really odd going on with profiles when reloading/logging out.

I have a number of addons that won't remember their enabled status. In the addon specific DB, my character's profile is disappearing when I enable it and then either reload the UI or logout. It looks like all the plugins that are affected are ones that only have values for "disabled" and "version". The ones that have other data saved in the character specific profile seem to be working as intended. At this time, I am unable to keep ClockFu, MicroMenuFu, or BagFu enabled, along with a couple others.

What seems to happen is:

1. I enable the plugin

2. I logout or reload the UI and the profile is deleted from the plugin DB's "profiles" table.
ClockFuDB = {
	["profiles"] = {
		["default"] = {
			["disabled"] = 1,
			["version"] = 10379,
3. I logout or reload the UI a second time and the character specific profile returns with "disabled" set to 1.
ClockFuDB = {
	["profiles"] = {
		["Aileen of Argent Dawn"] = {
			["version"] = 10379,
			["disabled"] = 1,
		["default"] = {
			["disabled"] = 1,
			["version"] = 10379,

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By: Boss - 04-22-06 08:10 PM
I can't reproduce this.
I recommend typing /script FuBar:Reset()
If this doesn't clear your issues, then post here again and we'll go from there.
By: Aileen - 04-23-06 07:42 AM
It didn't clear my issues, but here is some more stuff that I noticed while reloading. The /script FuBar:Reset() throws an error as it's reloading the UI, may or may not be relevant: FuBar\\FuBar.lua:2262: attempt to index field `chars' (a nil value). Here is my ClockFuDB right after the Reset():
ClockFuDB = {
	["classes"] = {
		["Hunter"] = {
			["version"] = 10379,
	["realms"] = {
		["Argent DawnAlliance"] = {
			["version"] = 10379,
	["chars"] = {
		["Argent DawnAileen"] = {
			["version"] = 10379,
	["full"] = {
		["version"] = 10379,
	["profiles"] = {
		["Aileen of Argent Dawn"] = {
			["bothTimes"] = false,
			["disabled"] = 1,
			["bubble"] = false,
			["version"] = 10379,
			["twentyFour"] = false,
			["localTime"] = false,
			["showSeconds"] = false,
		["default"] = {
			["disabled"] = 1,
			["version"] = 10379,
Then I enable ClockFu in FuBar it because it is disabled after the Reset(), and after logging out/reloading the UI my ClockFuDB looks like:
ClockFuDB = {
	["profiles"] = {
		["default"] = {
			["disabled"] = 1,
			["version"] = 10379,
By: Aileen - 04-23-06 07:53 AM
It cleared up my issue with BagFu to delete the SavedVariable file and start over because I wanted to see if that would help at all, although I kept ClockFu and MicroMenuFu "broken" in case you need more info.
By: Aileen - 04-23-06 08:12 AM
Also, I am not sure if this is significant or not either, but I no longer have profiles for any characters or "default" in my FuBar.lua SavedVariables file after, yet I still have settings and profiles for them in various plugin specific DBs (e.g. ClockFuDB from the previous note). Perhaps these are the ones causing problems? Doing some more Resets() and reload UI's with the "fixed" BagFuDB, I am still seeing the classes/realms/chars/full tables show up after the Reset() and disappear after a reload, but the plugin is staying enabled. The difference is just that the default profile does not exist in the BagFuDB anymore.
By: neriak_x - 04-23-06 11:48 PM
I'm having the same issues with FuBar - Mail. I have to enable it each time I login. :-/