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Writing macros for buttons generally does not work
Bug #: 7894
File: Neuron
Date: 12-13-12 06:39 AM
By: Dendrek
Status: Unconfirmed
Most of my buttons are macros, and most were written before 5.1. Those that were written then continue to function properly. However, if I attempt to create a new button (or a new bar and a button on that bar) using a macro, it will tend not to function correctly (read: at all).

Steps taken to duplicate the error:
1. /ion edit, click on an un-used button slot on any bar (except the first one*) and write in a macro.
2. hit <tab> to "save" the macro, close the edit box, exit edit mode so the macro becomes "active".
3. use the newly macroed button: nothing happens.

1. drag a spell from my spellbook onto an unused button slot.
2. /ion edit, edit the newly created button by adding more macro options to it then exit edit mode.
3. use the newly macroed button: the original ability that was placed on the unused button (the ability that was dragged from the spell book) actives, but all other aspects of the macro are non-functional. In other words, the macro itself doesn't work, only the original spell-book ability does.

It appears that buttons do not "remember" the macros that were put into them. If I open up /ion edit then check the macro text, it still shows, but it's not executing.

*I have found a workaround for this. It turns out that macros created on my bar1 (the first ion bar) do function properly, so I can create a new button there then drag it to where ever it's needed. Obviously this is somewhat inconvenient.

P.S. I have noticed that if I do steps 1-3 above (either method) on a bar other than bar1 and then drag that newly made macro onto bar1, all of the macro text I've typed in will be gone. This seems to confirm my theory that the other bars don't remember macro text typed into them. They only seem to remember buttons that are dragged to them.

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By: kouik - 01-06-13 12:54 PM
A good workaround to this is to issue a /reloadui after a macro edit.

Then, the macro should be fully functionnal.

hope that helps.
By: cryowolf - 12-28-12 03:29 PM
Ion-made or edited macros indeed do not seem to work.

I did not try the bar1 trick, however