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Cooldowns missing on buttons
Bug #: 7923
File: Neuron
Date: 02-15-13 11:17 AM
By: leobolin
Status: Unconfirmed
This is by far the most game breaking bug in Ion at the moment, making some specs pretty much unplayable. Please consider making this a priority to fix.

Some spells do not display their cooldown on their buttons (no cooldown swirl, no cooldown text and no global cooldown). This is most obvious on a Guardian druid where most of your core abilities do not appear to have a cooldown - for example Mangle. The buttons still work, but you get no feedback when they are on cooldown making it extremely annoying to play.

This also happens on many glyphed abilities. For example, glyphed Consecration as a protection paladin won't show the cooldown while it will unglyphed. Also happens with Mass Exorcism as retribution.