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I do not see the items that I take from the mobs in the static window
Bug #: 7995
File: MikScrollingBattleText
Date: 06-07-13 11:07 AM
By: pozzyx
Status: Unconfirmed
hello everyone, I have a problem with MSBT, does not make me see, the items that I take from the mobs, or when I go fishing, worked before, now with the new patch seems to have problems in the configuration of the addon (in section item looted) all the boxes are checked, I tried of all, to re-install the addon but nothing. Someone can help me pls (I use the client in Italian.) But I do not think that this is a problem.I use last verison Version: 5.7.129...

i hope someone help me pls...........

tried to disable all the addons that I had, and just keep MSBT but even so the items do not show them to me in the notification window .. I do not know what to think ....
maybe the patch? someone makes the same mistake?
the addon work on all my friend , and I do not understand why not, even if i set the default settings...please help me to solve not want to change addon ..... (parrot works well I see them)