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Enchanting Recipe Kerfuffle
Bug #: 8205
File: Altoholic
Date: 10-24-14 09:42 AM
By: Qsuicide
Status: Unconfirmed
always used the ' Could Be Learned By ' tooltip part for professions religiously, and just noticed that since the prepatch to WoD, the Enchanting Recipes all seem to be Learnable. reading your FAQ you mention an issue with recipes not being named exactly the same, and I noticed that with the prepatch they changed all the recipe names for enchanting. assume this is the cause? what a pain in the butt. ive tried reinstalling the addon a few times, clearing all my datastore and altoholic luas, even went as far as to download a whole new wow client and try with that. rest of the professions seem to function, however on a side note its telling me I should learn the "other class engineering recipes" which I cant learn in my current class, but that's less of a hassle then the enchanting thing for sure!