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Stuck text
Bug #: 821
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 04-24-06 01:38 PM
By: Gingorn
Status: Not a Bug
I find that when I smartcast Arcane Intellect, the text "[Arcane Intellect]" appears in mid-screen and stays there. I then cast Ice Armor and text "[Ice Armor]" appears over text "[Arcane Intellect]" and they both stay there! Reloading the interface clears the problem. Actually, it's not just the spell names -- it's notice text, like "Dodge", "Resist", etc. as well that just lock there in the middle of the screen any clue?

deleted .lua files and reset SCT. still stuck and the GM unstuck button not working (J/K :-) )

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By: Gingorn - 04-24-06 01:43 PM
erm.... the last statement should read

"eleted .lua files still stuck and the GM unstuck button not working (J/K :-) )"

i just reset to default... it works now me bad.... but any idea what cause this?