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Lua error when using a fishing lure.
Bug #: 8237
File: ForteXorcist
Date: 11-17-14 09:02 AM
By: Rutto
Status: Unconfirmed
Yeah like the title says. Once you apply a fishing lure of any kind to your fishing pole you start getting a stacking lua error.

Error message is as follows:

Message: Interface\AddOns\Forte_Cooldown\Forte_Cooldown.lua:837: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'offHandExpiration' (a boolean value)
Time: 11/17/14 16:54:22
Count: 79
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:1929: in function `v'
Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:380: in function <Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:365>

Locals: (for index) = 4
(for limit) = 6
(for step) = 1
i = 4
FW_Throttle = <table> {
1 = <table> {
2 = <table> {
3 = <table> {
4 = <table> {
5 = <table> {
6 = <table> {
7 = <table> {
8 = <table> {
erase = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:160
insert = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:140
find3 = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:180
rows = 6
print = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:199
9 = <table> {
find2 = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:172
sort = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:127
11 = <table> {
setkey = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:188
10 = <table> {
find = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:164
remove = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Forte_Core.lua:151

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By: Sadiniel - 12-02-14 02:19 AM
Forte_Timer has the same bug on line 1377
By: Sadiniel - 12-02-14 01:57 AM
The function called on line 829: GetWeaponEnchantInfo changed in 6.0.

Note for the author: "local hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, mainHandCharges, mainHandEnchantID, hasOffHandEnchant, offHandExpiration, offHandCharges, offHandEnchantId = GetWeaponEnchantInfo();"

And the hasThrownEnchant block needs to be cut.