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Order of the plugins
Bug #: 837
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 04-25-06 04:20 PM
By: Takika
Status: Unconfirmed

I selected a lots of plugins on my FuBar. If I reload the interface or logout/login the order of the plugins will change.
The order (which I set now for use) from my current SavedVariables file:

			["panels"] = {
				[1] = {
					["attachPoint"] = "TOP",
					["lock"] = true,
					["plugins"] = {
						["right"] = {
							[1] = "VolumeFu",
							[2] = "FuBar_VolumeFu",
							[3] = "FontSizeFu",
							[4] = "TransparencyFu",
						["left"] = {
							[1] = "ExperienceFu",
							[2] = "LocationFu",
							[3] = "PerformanceFu",
							[4] = "ClockFu",
							[5] = "FuBar_-_Mail",
							[6] = "MoneyFu",
							[7] = "DurabilityFu",
							[8] = "KungFu",
							[9] = "FuBar_CombatInfoFu",
							[10] = "TopScoreFu",
							[11] = "RareTrackerFu",
					["width"] = 1221.047680809383,
And after I logged out, and logged in:

			["panels"] = {
				[1] = {
					["attachPoint"] = "TOP",
					["lock"] = true,
					["plugins"] = {
						["right"] = {
							[1] = "VolumeFu",
							[2] = "FuBar_VolumeFu",
							[3] = "ClockFu",
							[4] = "FontSizeFu",
							[5] = "TransparencyFu",
						["left"] = {
							[1] = "FuBar_-_Mail",
							[2] = "MoneyFu",
							[3] = "FuBar_CombatInfoFu",
							[4] = "TopScoreFu",
							[5] = "DurabilityFu",
							[6] = "ExperienceFu",
							[7] = "KungFu",
							[8] = "LocationFu",
							[9] = "PerformanceFu",
							[10] = "RareTrackerFu",
					["width"] = 1221.047680809383,
As You can see, the order changed, the ClockFu moved to the right side of the Bar, etc.
Please fix this problem :)

Thanks: Takika