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Macros disappearing from the bars after a few seconds
Bug #: 8433
File: KayrMacro - Advanced Macros and Expanded Storage
Date: 04-18-16 07:56 AM
By: harl
Status: Unconfirmed
There seems to be an issue with two of my macros or their specific macro slots when they're supposed to be saved as common macros. And I'm not sure what's causing it.
  • They're all "Active". (When they're not managed by KayrMacro, they remain unaffected.)
  • There are three macros related to my hunters' traps (Trap1_Explosive, Trap2_Ice, Trap3_Freezing).
  • Renaming them to Trap1/2/3 or Trapa/b/c didn't make a difference though.
  • They contain the same simple commands (#showtooltip <trap>, /cast !Trap Launcher, /cast <trap>).
  • They are in KayrMacro's slots 16-18.
  • Whether they're class-based or account-based doesn't matter.
  • When they're saved as character-specific macros, they all stay on the action bars.
  • Trap1_Explosive (slot 16) never disappears from the bar either way.
  • But after they get moved to the common macros, Trap2_Ice (slot 17) and Trap3_Freezing (slot 18) disappear from the bar after a few seconds. (I'm not referring to their disappearance *while* they're being moved, but after they're placed on the bar again.)
  • It moves the macros in slot 17 and 18 between the character storage and the common storage only *after* moving the one in slot 16 as well (it claims that it moved them but it didn't, not even after a reload).
  • The exact same macro stays on the bar when it's copied from slot 17 to a new macro in slot 15 (both Active, Account-based and saved in the common storage).
I hope this list isn't too confusing.