View Bug Report
World marker ("flare") setting for raid assist not saved
Bug #: 8761
File: wMarker
Date: 02-13-18 02:08 PM
By: KyrosKrane
Status: Unconfirmed
In line 565 of the file config.lua, you have this:

local worldAssist = checkNew(world,L["Hide without assist (in a raid)"],function() wFlares.assistShow = not wFlaresDB.assistShow; wMarker:visibility() end)

There is a typo here. You have wFlares instead of wFlaresDB. Here's the corrected line, change highlighted in red:

local worldAssist = checkNew(world,L["Hide without assist (in a raid)"],function() wFlaresDB.assistShow = not wFlaresDB.assistShow; wMarker:visibility() end)
