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When trying to select Tailoring or Inscription, they fail to come up
Bug #: 8934
File: Select
Date: 12-24-19 06:46 PM
By: Lazare
Status: Unconfirmed
I use select in many of my toons and one of the most used macros is this one:#showtooltip
/select profession:any
/click [btn:2]S011M;S011A

Just recently in trying to use it for Inscription and tailoring (on different toons), the chosen item does not come up.
I do have every profession on my 12 "mains" and so far these two professions are the only ones affected. There are no bugs showing up on BugGrabber / BugSack. I have two toons with Tailoring and one with Inscription and this "bug" is very persistent with all three toons. I have disabled all of my addons except for your addon "Select" and have had the same results on all of the toons affected.
Would really appreciate a bug fix in this case.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Another lonely Addon Author…