View Bug Report
Mouseover error
Bug #: 8977
File: gmMenu
Date: 10-22-20 09:47 AM
By: Vis
Status: Fixed
Using ChocolateBar for an LDB Display. World and Home latency and fps displays on the LDB bar with no errors. When you mouseover the numbers, the dropdown menu does not appear and this error does. No other errors or abnormalities are seen. Thank you!

3x gmMenu\core.lua:174: bad argument #4 to 'format' (string expected, got no value)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
[string "@gmMenu\core.lua"]:174: in function <gmMenu\core.lua:125>
[string "@gmMenu\core.lua"]:212: in function `OnEnter'
[string "@ChocolateBar\Chocolate.lua"]:257: in function <ChocolateBar\Chocolate.lua:228>

(*temporary) = "|T%s:0|t %s |cffFFFF00(%s)|r"
(*temporary) = "Addons\gmMenu\media\social.tga"
(*temporary) = "Guild"
(*temporary) = "string expected, got no value"

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By: gmarco - 10-26-20 12:44 AM
I have removed the bind key "C" for character and the program triggers the error.

I have fixed it and now:

I'll release asap a new version.
Thanks again.
By: gmarco - 10-26-20 12:39 AM
Hi I have found the problem.

The problem happens if the keybinding is "empty" in the first slot.

I am looking to fix it
Thanks so much for your input, really appreciated
By: Vis - 10-25-20 09:12 AM
I think I found out what's happening.

I am assuming all your menu keybinds are the default ones. I compared your screenshot to my bindings. A long time ago (like 10 yrs lol) I had bound the "J" key to an action bar button. I went into Blizz binding menu and rebound "J" to the Guild & Communities toggle under the Interface Heading. I reloaded the UI after making sure "Show Bind Keys" was enabled. Moused over the LDB and Tooltip works, no errors. Bindings are shown etc. No issues.

To test, I rebound the "J" button back to my action bar. I moused over the LDB button and the error re appeared. So it looks like if you rebind any? of the default keys that toggle screens on the menu bar that the error will occur. I just tested using the "I" key as well. same thing happens.

Good luck
By: gmarco - 10-24-20 01:49 PM

I am unable to reproduce it :/

But I have seen the bug that dups the max num addons in the preferences.

Stay tuned
By: Vis - 10-24-20 01:39 PM
You're welcome.

I have not set up personal bindings to access anything that is shown in the game menu. Any that are bound are Blizzard defaults.
By: gmarco - 10-24-20 01:27 PM
Thanks so much for your feedback ...

I have now a more clear idea (as I don't use the bind keys

I'll let you know.
By: Vis - 10-24-20 08:39 AM
Some interesting observations. I apologize for the wall of text.

Per your instructions, I changed the number shown to 1. I then clicked the Red save and reload button. After reload, I went into the options to verify it had changed. It had become 11 instead. The mouseover tooltip did not show and did error.

I cleared the errors and retried several times using different numbers and different ways to accept (enter, save, reload, etc) changing the number. Each time I received the same error as above and no tooltip appearing.

I then tried your "Reset and reloadui" button. Lo and behold everything works again. Mouseover tooltip shows properly with 10 addons showing. I looked into the interface options and the only change was the tick box for "Show bind keys" was not ticked.

I changed the number of addons shown to 5 and saved and reloaded. Mouseover tooltip is still working and only showing 5 items now. Went into interface options and the number shown there was 55 for some reason. Note that it did only show 5 on the tooltip.

For comparison sake, I ticked the box for "Show bind keys" and retested. The tooltip failed again and the above error message came back. I cleared the fault, unticked the box, and reload the UI and it returned to normal operation.

It looks like it has something to do with the option of showing bound keys.

Hope this all helps
By: gmarco - 10-23-20 09:53 PM
Please go in the interface addons option before mouse hover and put the number of addons to display = 1 , save and tell me if error is still there.

I was able to reproduce a bug (and fixed it) that triggers when you have less addons installed than the configured to be displayed.

So please try to disable all addons except chocolate bars and gmmenu and change the max displayed addons to 1 then save and reload and check if the problem is still here.

If not then you can change the value again to a number higher. If the problem is still here it could be related to chocolate bar. Have you tried another ldb launcher ? Docking station, Bazooka (I use a fixed version of this that you can find in gmUI or in the addon forum page here on WoWI) or ninjapanel (same story check the forum of the addon page for a fixed version)

Please let me know.
By: Vis - 10-23-20 02:12 PM
I installed the newest release v.900-2020102201. The error is still occurring under the same conditions. If there's any other information you need please ask.
By: gmarco - 10-22-20 03:09 PM
It is now fixed in v.900-2020102201

Thanks !!