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Just not showing up!!
Bug #: 933
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 04-30-06 11:13 PM
By: fred
Status: Not a Bug
I have worked on this nearly an hour, widdling down what it could possibly be!! I have Fubar ACE loaded, and a lot of FuBar addons similiar to what I was using with Titan. When I load WoW I look in my addons list, everything looks fine. In game..nothing! I use MyAddons..and it lists the FuBar addons, but not FuBar.....and half give me an error in registering with MyAddons ( no biggie there though). Where the hell is it ?? I admit I run quite a few mods, but I was running the SAME with Titan ( no dis intended), just like to figure out why?? I switched becouse I can see some advanteges to using FuBAr, and it seems like you work hard on requests...

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By: fred - 05-01-06 12:26 AM
For anyone reading, had a problem with Location Fu, update correscted this...TY ckknight!
By: fred - 04-30-06 11:52 PM
Going to turn off all except the ones in starter pack
By: ckknight - 04-30-06 11:46 PM
First off, are you getting an error on load?

Secondly, apparently some plugins don't work for FuBar cause they haven't been updated. One of these is ReagentFu, but I'm not sure.