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Right-side modules don't update correctly when changing resolutions.
Bug #: 986
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 05-04-06 05:11 AM
By: gngsk
Status: Fixed
Repeatable. Starting in Fullscreen mode 1280x1024 FuBar modules anchored to the right-side sit in correct position. Change to Windowed mode 1024x768 Fubar modules anchored to the right-side are now a few hundred pixels to the left and cannot be fixed until a new panel is created. Just a guess but it looks like the size of the actual panel is the problem but it's noticable as the modules aren't in the correct place.

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By: ckknight - 05-05-06 08:29 PM
Just so you know, you can drag the edge of a panel to resize it.