View Feature Request
German Translations for SCTD 1.1
Feature #: 1020
File: SCT - Damage
Date: 07-05-06 06:11 AM
By: Pakka
Status: Flagged for Future Version
Hi there, Grayhoof

My name is Pakka - ingame I play Fowltooth, a warlock on Die Silberne Hand. I use the german WoW client and your SCT Damage 1.1. I spent some time to correct/ update the translation of the sctd menu for the german client because you've used a translation program and therefore some of the translations are very rough and hard to understand, even misleading in some places. I'd be very happy if you would appreciate this work and include this with the next release.
I'll go through the menu from top to bottom, showing your current translation in front followed by my new translation.

Current german translation ---> new translation

Ermöglichen Sie SCT Beschädigunge ---> Aktiviere SCT Schadensanzeige
Handgemenge-Beschädigung ---> Nahkampfschaden
Periodische Beschädigung ---> Periodischer Schaden
Bann-Beschädigung ---> (since this is "Spell/ Skill Damage" in the english version it has to be:) Zauber-/ Fertigkeitsschaden
Haustier-Beschädigung ---> Pet-Schaden (oder: Haustier-Schaden)
Color Crits ---> Farbe kritischer Treffer

Markierungsfahne Beschädigung ---> ("flag damage" in the english version; don't know what this is about, so I this is the only one I don't know a translation for)
Bann-Art ---> Art des Zaubers
Bann-Name ---> Name des Zaubers
Widersteht ---> Widerstehen
Ziel-Name ---> Name des Ziels
Only Target ---> Nur für ausgewähltes Ziel
Sperren Sie WoW Beschädigung ---> Sperren der WoW Schadensanzeige
Enable during PvP ---> Anzeige für PvP aktivieren

There you go :) Some basics for future work:
spell ---> Zauber
skill ---> Fertigkeit
damage ---> Schaden