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Tracking offline money change
Feature #: 1094
File: FuBar - MoneyFu
Date: 07-19-06 06:59 PM
By: wilz
Status: Under Review
I use two computers to play. The computer at home I use for serious play, but the computer at work I use to log in to check my sales in the auction house and etc. The computer at work is much less powerful, and I do not load as many addons in the computer at work. As such, copying over the WTF directory is not a solution.

It would be useful if MoneyFu could keep the last value of total gold (and when it was recorded) which the character had when he last logged out. When logging back in and discovering the value has changed, MoneyFu could update the 'gains' or 'spending' info for within the day/week depending on when the last money value was recorded.

I use the earn/spend feature a lot since I'm trading, and it's useful to know my overall gains over the week/day etc. But now it doesn't work so well anymore due to the second computer.

Thanks for considering this! Should be quite easy to do.