View Feature Request
Original Blizzard Graphics
Feature #: 1144
File: OneBag3
Date: 07-30-06 09:31 PM
By: Rigorous
Status: Under Review
So far, I love this mod. I've been using AIOI for a long time, but OneBag offers the features I felt were missing from AIOI.

The only thing I'd like to see added to it, if possible, is the use of the original blizzard graphics for the frames, or at least something textured and less utilitarian looking. While I try to keep my screen as completely clutter-free as possible, I don't particularly care for that sleek, almost modern look to some mods' graphics. While I recognize this is only a cosmetic issue and has little to no effect on the utility of the mod, it makes a big difference to me personally.

Nonetheless, thank you for your time and your great work! It IS appreciated.