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Different profiles w/ different bar settings and plugins loaded
Feature #: 1377
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 09-08-06 03:14 PM
By: sid67
Status: Under Review
I find myself disabling certain Fubar plugins and enabling others when I am doing different things. For example, if i am going into a battleground, I like to have HonorFu and BattlegroundFu loaded, but not ExperienceFu, SkillsPlusFu or MoneyFu.

Likewise, if I am in an instance, I like to have GroupFu and QuestFu but not PerformanceFu or LocationFu.

If I could setup different Fubar profiles (like AceWardrobe) that were for different situations, then I could easily switch between Fubar setups depending on what I needed to do. In a way, this would be a bit like having different Fubar "pages" that I could set up.

Personally, I'm a minimalist and I try to keep Fubar to just one row. My Fubar is full and my minimap is full now also (mostly with Fubar plugins). Being able to have different profiles for different situations would enable me to install more Fubar plugins and just set them up on profiles that I would use in situations where that plugin would be useful.