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View Feature Request
PDT Time zone display
Feature #: 1903
File: FuBar - ClockFu
Date: 01-02-07 12:18 PM
By: bsdll
Status: Under Review

Oceanic players have their server time zone set as GMT+10, personally I am in GMT+8. ClockFu displays these times correctly.

However Blizzard put all their notices up as PDT because they don't care enough about oceanics to use our time zone on our servers. (ie like off peak maintenance being 9pm on Tuesday night...)

Can you add a third time display to the list (that can be turned on or off, probably off by default) to display PDT time as well. This would be a life saver when the server is going down and everyone is asking in trade to try and work out the time.

So I could see - server time, my time (and have my time set as display time) and PDT time all at once on the popup.