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View Feature Request
Command to quickly add notes
Feature #: 1938
File: Cartographer
Date: 01-07-07 09:19 AM
By: vexis58
Status: Under Review
One feature I really miss from the old mapnotes was the ability to type a quick command to add a map note to my current exact location. I REALLY dislike having to open up the map and attempt to click on my exact location to set a note, especially if I'm in a hurry due to respawning mobs that threaten to kill me. I can never manage to click on it perfectly, I can always tell that it's off slightly on my minimap.

Back when I was using MapNotes, it was a command like /quicknote with the name of the note after it.

But then again, I didn't know about that command in MapNotes until the author told me, since it wasn't written anywhere in the description, and it might be the case with this mod as well that there is such a command already and I simply don't know what it is.