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View Feature Request
Option to shorten the actual bars
Feature #: 2004
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 01-23-07 02:02 PM
By: Psychokitty
Status: Under Review
Hi there. I love fubar to pieces!

What I would like to see is an option to shorten the bars. For example, I use all my fubar mods centered on my screen at the top. This makes it easier to put other mods in the corners. The only issue is once i place a chat box or mod in the corners is that if I ever want to move it i must first move 3 fubars to the detached position and then move the mod or chat box from the corner. As you can imagine this gets to be a pain. Is there anyway you can add this ability? It would be a great asset.

Thank you for your time and consideration of adding this feature.