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Sub-menu button on Fubar for Fubar addons
Feature #: 2160
File: FuBar 3.6.5
Date: 03-15-07 04:00 AM
By: kane8579
Status: Under Review
I don't think that this exists because I spent a quite a while looking for it.

What I'm looking for is a addon for Fubar that is a button. It's on the Fubar bar and if you left click it then it brings up a sub-menu with all of your Fubar addons. I have a ton of Fubar addons but I only want one small bar at the top of my screen showing a few key ones like moneyfu, durabilityfu, clockfu, etc. So if I had a button that I could push that opened up another vertical menu with my addons that I could just click that addon then it would show up (ie. dmg meters or atlas etc.). I know you're thinking why don't you just right click and then show the mod on fubar but i don't want the button to be shown on Fubar because that just takes up space.

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions you can email me or contact me on WoW and I can probably explain it a little better over vent or something. Char's name is Cryptik or Prefex on Windrunner Alliance side, I'm on a lot. Sorry if some of this doesn't make sense...its 6am and I haven't slept yet.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

Cryptik / Prefex
Warlock / Warrior
Windrunner Alliance Side