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Consolidate mining rare-spawns.
Feature #: 2181
File: Cartographer
Date: 03-23-07 02:49 PM
By: ZombiePope
Status: Under Review
Rich Adamantite is a rare spawn of Adamantite.

Khorium is a rare spawn of either Adamantite or Fel Iron.

My feature request is that Cartographer not store spurious / rare-spawn information about these nodes:

1. If Rich Adamantite is found, it will always be considered Adamantite.
2. If Khorium is found on a known node for Adamantite / Fel Iron, it won't be stored.
3. If Fel Iron or Adamantite is found on a known Khroium node, the Khorium node will be overwritten and removed.

My reason for asking for this is that it is never useful information to know where Rich Adamantite or Khorium spawned, since it has no bearing on whether it might spawn there in the future. The useful information is whether the node was Adamantite or Fel Iron. Thanks for any consideration.