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View Feature Request
Feature #: 2189
File: Cartographer
Date: 03-27-07 09:23 PM
By: JaedxRapture
Status: Under Review
I find myself often wanting to mark the location of mobs on the map, but have no way to effectively show the location of mobs. By setting a single note, I'm showing only one specific area, when mobs can be scattered for 500 yards from there. And if I show multiple notes, I just get a cluttered, ugly map. Well, I've thought of a way to effectively show the general area of mobs quite easily.

The idea is to add lines to notes. Basically, when you click an existing note that has lines set to it, you would see lines extending from the note to set points, and maybe even new lines extending from those set points. (See [this screenshot]).

To add these, maybe while editing a note, you can have a Ctrl+Click mark a line-point for a note. And while editing the main note, right clicking a line-point will bring up an edit box for that specific line-point, allowing you to configure it and extend from there.

And of course, to hide notes, something simple like re-clicking the note would be nice.

I'm not sure if you would want to do this, but it would be nice if you could post whether or not you would, so that others may pick up the idea for a module if you don't want to.