View Feature Request
Damage threshold or ability to filter out certain attacks
Feature #: 2329
File: SCT - Damage
Date: 06-15-07 11:31 AM
By: Aileen
Status: Under Review
I am a hunter and recently respecced to Beast Mastery. Before this, I never had much of a problem with the damage scrolling window because my attacks were fairly slow, my pet was only doing lightning breaths, and I never used Kill Command because of the global cooldown.

Now I am attacking very fast, I have a very fast attacking pet who is clawing, biting, doing white damage, and using Kill Command every time it is up. My damage window is overflowing with events! I'd like to request some way to help us filter out what goes into this window. For now, I have turned off my pet damage completely and I try to see how much his Kill Commands are doing as they scroll by in EavesDrop, but I'd really like to somehow customize this so I can still see his and my own damage up on the part of the screen I'm most often looking at.

A couple different suggestions for this:

1. Set a threshold (like the mana/healing ones in SCT, hide everything below a certain amount)
2. Show only crits (for the player and the pet independently)
3. Specify certain skills to show (e.g. only show me my pet's Kill Commands)