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View Feature Request
EDIT already existing notes
Feature #: 2346
File: Cartographer
Date: 06-25-07 06:32 AM
By: xyrrgh
Status: Under Review
I am currently replacing MetaMap with Cartographer for many reasons, but there is one issue with cartographer which makes it inferior to MetaMap in the way it handles edinting of notes.
Once a note is added - via import from MetaMap.lua or by a plugin like Cartographer_POI - I cannot seem to edit it and to add specific personal information, change the button, color and what not. All I can do is delete or use as waypoint.

Please add the functionality to edit all notes to make Cartographer a nearly perfect map replacement.

The other remaining missing features are flightmaps and adding a target via hotkey (i.e. target a mob, press [Strg-T] and have the Mob added to the map. Being able to edit those notes is a necessity.

Thank you very much for one of the best WoW addons I have come across!