View Feature Request
Waitlist sychronization
Feature #: 2347
File: EkWaitList
Date: 06-26-07 01:23 AM
By: teedog
Status: Under Review
We've had the issue where the person maintaining the waitlist crashes after the raid before he is able to copy and paste the list somewhere. Since he did not logout or reload his UI, the waitlist was lost.

Would it be possible for EkWaitList to share the current waitlist with anyone in the guild or raid the mod installed? That way, multiple people would have the most up-to-date waitlist.

Furthermore, sychronization would allow multiple people to be able to accept waitlist add/remove requests. I'm sure people have come across situations where raiders whisper the wrong person for the waitlist functions. With sychronization, raiders can whisper any officer running the mod to be added or removed, and the add/remove requests will also be sent to other people running the mod.