View Feature Request
Event: Shamanistic Focus
Feature #: 2507
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 11-24-07 06:43 AM
By: Drenvion
Status: Under Review
In 2.3 the talent Shamanistic Focus was added for shamans(Enhancement, Tier3).
It gives the buff "Focused" that reduces the manacost of the next shock by 60%, it has the same effect and effectsound as Clearcast and Focused Casting.
In my copy of this wonderful addon, I added
[20] = {name="Focused!", type="buffself", search="Focused", r=256/256, g=256/256, b=0/256, class={"Shaman"}},

Would like to see it in the official version for all the Shamans out there, really helps alot having SCT to keep track of procbuffs etc.

Thanks for a great and easy editable AddOn Grayhoof!