View Feature Request
Buffs non-target
Feature #: 2690
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 04-07-08 06:49 AM
By: scarboni
Status: Under Review
Hello me and my friend were trying to make some sort of a code that made us see when someone cast a spell.

If you think that we are inside the Arena and have a Priest name "Bichluthore" on target and his friend is a Paladin name "Bubbleskill" and my friend is dpsing the paladin down to 1% HP and the paladin decide to use his bubble skills. Im a priest and know how to dispell his shield easy job, but i didnt have the reflex or the voiceplugin to know that the paladin were casting bubble (divine shield) so we lost the game.

The idea is that when I have the Priest on target and the paladin cast the spell Divine Shield it should come a text where it say "Bubbleskill cast Divine Shield", And this is without having him on target. Is this possible now or you think this could be some sort of a feature thing that could be done`?