View Feature Request
Cast bars in player name bar
Feature #: 2723
File: Proximo
Date: 04-21-08 12:35 PM
By: Veev
Status: Under Review

I would like to request an option to take the new cast bars (which are great), and instead place them in the player's name bar, similar to the way xperl handles party unit frame cast bars (if you are familiar with that).

I realize this would make it so you couldn't see the enemy player's health, but that's something I could live without I think. I mainly use proximo to quickly/easily view what classes I am playing vs, and sometimes for targeting, I can't say that I ever really use the health bar portion of it as I find it somewhat unreliable sometimes, but even if it was 100% accurate it would be great to have an option to disable health % display and instead show cast bars here. It's probably possible to show both, but personally I would almost prefer to be able to disable health completely so you can't mistake someone's 50% health as meaning they're 50% done with a cast.

Main reason I'm requesting this change is that I have to increase the padding to a very high level to feel comfortable with separating the cast bars from other player's frames, and it looks fairly 'naked' when there aren't any cast bars showing.

Also I realize another problem would be handling the spell names and the player names, I'm not sure what I would propose there, possibly just not showing spell names, or just show a spell icon on the right side maybe?

Many thanks for this great mod.

(Also, completely separate request, but if possible, when hiding the proximo header would it be possible to actually remove the frame instead of just 'hiding' it as transparent, I like to place my proximo frame right under my minimap, and the hidden header overlaps where the battleground minimap button usually is, so I can't right click to leave a game.)