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    View Feature Request
    Player Menu/Target Menu
    Feature #: 2753
    File: MetaHud
    Date: 05-12-08 04:38 AM
    By: Vayder
    Status: Under Review
    Thank you for all the hard work you have put into this mod and keeping it updated. i would be lost without it.

    Another user suggested adding this code

    I made some modification to this system, so you can rightclick on bars to show menu:

    1) search for "create all Frames" words in metahud.lua
    2) add this block:
    MetaHud_LeftFrame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() 
    if(arg1 == "RightButton") then
    ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, MetaHud_Player_DropDown, "MetaHud_LeftFrame", -100, 180); 
    end );
    MetaHud_RightFrame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function()
    if(arg1 == "RightButton") then
    ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, MetaHud_Target_DropDown, "MetaHud_RightFrame", 60, 180);
    end );

    and you got it!
    rightclick on left (player) bars will show player menu
    rightclick on right (target's) bars will show target menu

    p.s. this fix was made for "player on left, target on right" layout
    I cannot get it to work. is there anyway you could make an option for this please?