View Feature Request
Custom event bug 1)similar events 2)buff/aura count 1
Feature #: 2792
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 06-11-08 01:37 AM
By: Cataclysm
Status: Under Review
1) if you add these events "Greater Blessing of Might" and "Blessing of Might" the only event which ll be displayed is "Blessing of Might"

[51] = {name="+BoM", display="+Blessing of Might!", type="BUFF", target="SELF", search="Blessing of Might", icon=1, r=256/256, g=256/256, b=128/256, anitype=5},
[52] = {name="+GBoM", display="+Greater Blessing of Might!", type="BUFF", target="SELF", search="Greater Blessing of Might", icon=1, r=256/256, g=256/256, b=128/256, anitype=5},

2) Aura/Buff count never works for 1st debuff. example on Sunder if you use "*4 Sunder" 1st sunder ll be show "*4 Sunder" 2nd "2 Sunder" 3rd "3 Sunder"...

if you add custom event with Aura/Buff Count "1" it wont be displayed at all.