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Adding Feature - Visual Heal
Feature #: 4008
File: MetaHud - Nuckin Branch
Date: 01-24-10 02:25 PM
By: Crab
Status: Under Review
I would love to see this addon with an included feature to show how much health the next heal would approximatly add to the current health. Its a featur already implemented into many addons like X-Perl, PitBull, Grid and HealBot. As an example I can direct to X-Perl. Lets say that you're down to

500/1000 health

and you start casting Healing Wave that heals 90-110. Visual heal calculates that the avrage heal from Healing Wave is 100 (=90+110/2). So while casting Healing Wave, you're health has a green bar filled up to


and there is another bar spanning ahead from the green bar (in XPerl its colored teal) that goes to