View Feature Request
Observations/Suggestions for function
Feature #: 4269
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)
Date: 10-29-10 03:00 AM
By: Moranne
Status: Under Review
Hey Mung, this is MoMo, your #1 fan from the Tukz forums. For some reason, I can't post in the comments section, so I'm having to use this feature request thing. >.<

Anyway, I'm SO delighted you decided to update your UI after all! I know you're busy working stuff out, so you're probably already onto about half the things I'm going to say ;)

I have a couple of things to point out and a couple of suggestions for it.

Screenshot of a fresh install below:

1. Getting those extra 2 action bar buttons back on each side would be wonderful, especially for us hunter types. If you follow the pink arrows, you'll see I'm pointing to the ends of your data block. What I propose to do to keep it aesthetically pleasing while adding back in those missing buttons is to do another two data/menu cubes on each end that have some function - could be anything, like click one and it hearths you, click the other and it does something else. Maybe even have them house various popout menus, like mage portals menu or hunter call pet popout, weapon imbue popout for shamans, etc. Anyway, just something, even if it's just art to make the panel long enough for those extra two buttons on either side of the action bars to look balanced over the data and menu panel.

2. In a raid setup I'm still seeing the blizz raid frames (circled in hot pink). Not an issue with the party frames, however. I know the raid frames have been the biggest hurdle to get past for most addon authors in 4.1, so I know you'll get it set eventually. :)

3. Love the little consumable bar (pointed out by pink arrow). Can we get one or two more slots alloted for pet buff food and our own buff food? Also may want to add in an option to hide it if people don't want to see it.

4. As you can see, I'm a wide screen user (1980x1020). The panel just below the player and target unit frame is not quite lined up with the edge of the unit frame here. It's just a tiny bit off.

5. Also, when you get around to your ingame config this time, can there be an option to enlarge the font size on the stuff like character pane, spellbook, etc.? Playing at wide reso makes all fonts so teeny that reading my character's stats makes me squint.

6. Guild pane is separate from the social pane as of 4.1, so right now both guild and friends and linking to the friends pane.

7. And, lastly, I just can't seem to click my buffs off.

Sorry for the overload of info! Love the UI, and so glad you're back. :)