View Feature Request
Permanent bars, hiding out of combat
Feature #: 4473
File: ForteXorcist
Date: 07-17-11 03:28 AM
By: Flawedhero
Status: Under Review
My request is pretty simple both in idea and theoretically in execution.

I'd like Cooldown timer bars that look like the spell timer bars in the main screenshot. You would be able to set custom bars for whatever cooldowns you wanted to watch.

The bars would appear grayed out when the cooldown is available and with the colofrul bar while counting down. Also, an option where they only turn on in combat.

So essentially, if I have Vendetta, Cold Blood, Cloak of Shadows, Vanish and Tricks of the Trade, I would be able to set custom bars for each and they would always be there in a sizable block of bars. Once I pop an ability, the colored bar appears over the background bar and the countdown begins.