View Feature Request
Chaos Bolt cast line and trinkets
Feature #: 4696
File: EventHorizon Continued (Beta release)
Date: 10-28-14 05:47 PM
By: Angaroth
Status: Under Review
Rainbow procs was good because it gave a good linear view of proc uptime and cds (for those of us who like bars instead of timers).
So although they removed snap-shotting we still want to cast CB when buffs are up rather than purely waiting for 35 embershards. We also probably want to use backdraft if it allows us one buffed CB instead of one or two buffed incinerates.
So I was thinking of having a cast time indicator like we used to have for Immolate. Both with and without BD up would be nice - perhaps one solid, one dotted, whichever applies at the moment?
Then we could see where the line ended and we could (with some guestimate of travel time unless you can calculate that too, don't think so, not exactly) judge if we wanted to BD a CB or even waste that new ember trying to get a CB off before the proc died.
Many thanks for your help to warlocks and the community at large.