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Addon Change Requests
Feature #: 4729
File: Broker_Everything
Date: 01-05-15 07:38 PM
By: Spiderkeg
Status: Under Review
Wonderful collection of broker modules. However, I have some change ideas that would be useful if implemented:

The Latency module, the icon, needs to change colors based on the severity of the latency. In the event that the module label or text is not shown, but only the icon, the icon should visually change colors in relation to the latency.

The Memory module the total memory consumption should be listed on the tooltip in the event the label or text is not shown. Likewise, if only the icon is shown, the icon should change colors if the severity of the memory allocation is at dangerous levels. Why does left clicking the module bring up the addon's Interface Panel? Left clicking should bring up the Addon Panel instead, as that is more useful to have attached to a left click.

There should be an option for the Volume module to allow for clicking the module merely mutes the volume rather than increasing/decreasing the volume.

The Durability module would also benefit from the icon changing colors based on the severity of the repair percentage, in the event only the icon is shown and not the label or text.