View Feature Request
Further text color customization?
Feature #: 929
File: SCT - Damage
Date: 06-22-06 08:22 PM
By: Aurion
Status: Under Review
I made this post in the SCTD official thread and didn't even see the feature request forum here. Oops!

Anyways, I'm nowhere near familiar with the programming/script writing involved with these addons, so I have no idea if this is possible, but...

Would it be possible to add a modifyable "alpha" value for the colors of the text that SCTD displays (much like the chat box background color options have for the chat displays in WoW) ? It'd be nice to be able to make certain text more see-through and others solid, such as making your white damage slightly transparent since it happens so often with some classes while leaving your yellow damage or critical hits solid.

Also, perhaps making two different categories for "color crits" that you added in 1.11, one for white crits and one for spell/ability crits in case we want our "yellow" and "white" crits to be 2 different colors.

I know some of this is possible through SCT, but the added functionality through having an extra animation for the text (rainbow, angled down, etc.) that was added in 1.11 makes it quite useful to have it seperate and in SCTD.