View Feature Request
optional default configuration for all realms & characters
Feature #: 941
File: Scrolling Combat Text
Date: 06-24-06 12:55 PM
By: harl
Status: Under Review

my request is, if you could please add some option to change the "PlayerX of RealmY"-way of saving the config variables SCT already includes to a default config profile like "default_config" (in the SavedVariables lua).
i'm specifically refering to these lines:
--set player name
SCT_PlayerName = UnitName("player").." of "..GetCVar("realmName");
somehow optionally (in-game) be changed to
SCT_PlayerName = "default_config";
in means of to have a checkbox added to the GUI where that default profile ("default_config") can be used by the current character and a button added where the current profile can be saved as the "default_config" profile.
this maybe being a default setting, so that every 'new' char (in means of 'not yet known by the addon') will automatically use the default profile unless the user unchecks the checkbox previously mentioned.
the profiles file (SavedVariables\sct.lua) would then initially look something like this:
["default_config"] = {
["SHOWBLOCK"] = 1,
etc etc .... (all your default values, you already implemented)
so i'm not asking to totally drop the "PlayerX of RealmY"-way of profiles, but just to add another option for a default one. options are good, right ? :)

have fun,
-harl windwolf-