HOWTO: Layout
Starshadow UI

*** Work in Progress ***

So, you want to make the UI look like my screenshot(s)? It takes a little bit of work. Unfortunately, due to the way WoW saves configuration information makes it difficult at best to make drop-in compilations that look right out of the box. It would require either customizing the modules through the code itself, or having particular information that is different to everyone's machine. Some compilations use Windows Installers to do this, but I have 2 issues with that:
  1. That means releasing an EXE or an MSI, neither of which I'm comfortable doing, since many bad apples out there have dark side tendencies and like to put viruses and trojans inside their executables!
  2. That would also mean that people not running Windows couldn't use the compilation (easily) and I'm not happy with that. I could release a self-installer and zips, but that's more work than I'm interested in doing

So, following these instructions can hopefully get you somewhere into the area of where my screenshots are.

Note: This HOWTO will not include information on setting the chat windows as mine are. How you arrange your chat is completely up to you.

You do not need to use the same settings that I use, but in the interest of being detailed and complete, here's my configuration:
Resolution: 1280x1024
Color Depth: 32bpp (Truecolor)
UI Scale: 0.72

This layout will be done on a rogue, so you'll have to adjust accordingly for your class.

Step by Step...
  1. Download and install all the StarshadowUI modules
  2. Login and click on the AddOns button in the bottom left
  3. Check the box labeled Load out of date AddOns
  4. Change the memory to 64 or more
  5. Go through the list of AddOns and disable the ones you don't think you'll want
    • CombatGraph
    • Detox (caster mod)
    • Enchantrix
    • FuBar - WhisperCastFu (caster mod)
    • GrimoireKeeper 1.10.0 (Warlock mod)
    • Parchment
    • Raidsummon 2.01 (Warlock mod)
    • WhisperCast 3.0 (caster mod)
  6. Go through the list and make sure there are no broken dependencies. If there are, mouse over the module name and it will show you what modules it needs enabled to function
  7. Login to the game
  8. -- Insert blank screenshot -- Click Setup on the dialog for AtlasLoot Enhanced
  9. Check Use EquipCompare, if you have LootLink or ItemSync installed, choose their option, and click done
  10. Click Covert on the dialog for the Auctioneer Database Conversion
  11. On an empty spot on the lower RuBar bar, right click and disable Overflow plugins
  12. On an empty spot on the lower FuBar bar, right click and select Remove Panel and confirm

updated: 09.01.2006 10:57 CST v1