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    Greetings Everyone!

    I've recently returned to playing WoW after suffering on a Satellite connection for the past 8 months. I have made a few minor updates to my current mods (PlayerInFu and CritterInFu) and I am currently finishing my long project of rewriting and updating the Mortal Kombat sound mod.

    I've just returned to college in pursuance of an IT career. My personal life has settled a wee bit, and I'm able to start to balance all aspects of my future once again, including playing games. I am extremely happy to be able to return to this game, as it has brought many many many many many... <thinks for a second>... many many many hours of entertainment for me - and I hope to provide some entertainment for you as well!

    Look for these features to appear up on WOWI in the near future. Taking some OO courses in college is going to help these and future projects methinks.

    -Kayde of Alleria
    Kayde's Avatar
    05-09-07 11:47 PM by: Kayde
    I won't promise anything anymore, as I've failed to live up to my former statements, plans, and schedule for addon releases.

    All I'm going to say is that I plan to have a working model of CritterInFu and a NEW Fubar addon called PlayerInFu come out very soon.

    There are several kinks I can't seem to figure out (like saving settings between sessions and how to calculate mana regen, penetration ratings, and dmg/healing bonuses). Once I can hurdle the saving issues, I'll release them both under the assumption that they are back in beta. No sense fooling people into believing that they are release worthy after all.

    More to come as they are compeleted!
    Kayde's Avatar
    03-13-07 01:12 PM by: Kayde
    WoW had taken over all my time and I failed to get this updated since playing a Druid to 70 post TBC, and I ended up letting my Hunter weapons rust at the blacksmith...

    But fear not! I have an update planned in the next two days. Basically a combination of all the Fubar pet mods out there, combined to become what I hope to be the ultimate pet companion - for BOTH Hunters and Warlocks.

    My lock is now lvl 48, so I have many more features that I can test with him (save felguard functions).

    More info coming very soon. I am in testing right now, working out what kinks I see prior to release into the wild. Get it? Wild? Like a hunters pet prior to taming and.... oh nevermind.

    Anyways, in regards to my former post about the "resistance is futile" attack upon other addons:

    Current plans after TBC (regarding addons that is):
    1.) Stabilize all current addons with Ace 1.4.1 (mostly to re-train myself in coding)
    2.) Upgrade all current addons to Ace 2 (to upgrade my coding abilities and link all my slash commands to DeuceCommander [I LOVE THAT ADDON!])
    3.) Assimilate Dingalot (done - needs #1 and #2)
    4.) Assimilate RollTracker (possible merging with FuBar_GroupFu?)
    5.) Assimilate / complete changes to MortalKombat (partially complete - needs #1 and #2)
    6.) Assimilate Minimalist (rather strip out all the features I don't use for my personal use)
    7.) Assimilate DemonTrainerFrame (the new hotness)
    8.) Assimilate ClassMasterLoot (the EasyMasterLoot comparable. Mix into GroupFu w/ RollTracker?)
    9.) Help develop MyBags (and bring it into the next generation of addon bliss!)
    10.) Assimilate CT_UnitFrames/SimpleUnitFrames/BUFX (into a compiled low-impact version of all the features I love from these!)
    This has changed slightly, heh.
    - #1 is complete.
    - #2 is still underway. I've been distracted by RL and GL to the point of not coding all that much.
    -#3 is debunk. I now have Automation (HOLY CRAP I LOVE THIS ADDON!) that does everything I could want, and replaces about 8 other Ace addons I was using. Feature full, and STILL low impact.
    - #4, #8, #9, and #10 are all still planned. For now, I'm not using a roll tracker nor need a class loot listing until I start 25 raiding, and I've modified my personal versions of MyBags and CTUnitFrames to be functional until I can code these.
    - #5 is an ongoing and neverending project, sigh. I wish I could get around to completeing this for everyone to enjoy.
    - #6 is debunk. I now have Planxchat, which after using Automation was the only other thing I used Minimalist for. I'm sorry to drop that addon as it was awesome!
    - #7 is being left alone. DemonTrainerFrame, ShardAce, WarlockAlert (some features), and CritterInFu will all be my lock specific addons.
    I do have plans to update all of my addons. Since I can only be considered adept (at best) to coding in general, this will take some time. I use such general statements because of the unknown errors that will be caused by the expansion in just a couple days. <glares @ Blizzard's renowned 'breaking addons' skill>

    Once I have a handle on all the changes needed for the expansion, I will be sitting down and updating all my addons not only for 2.0 and TBC changes, but also to Ace2.

    There are several addons that I have found useful (some listed below), but that also have tons of bloated features in the basic version releases that I would never use. As such, plan to see me assimilate some of these addons into the Doppelganger family.

    Current plans after TBC (regarding addons that is):
    1.) Stabilize all current addons with Ace 1.4.1 (mostly to re-train myself in coding)
    2.) Upgrade all current addons to Ace 2 (to upgrade my coding abilities and link all my slash commands to DeuceCommander [I LOVE THAT ADDON!])
    3.) Assimilate Dingalot (done - needs #1 and #2)
    4.) Assimilate RollTracker (possible merging with FuBar_GroupFu?)
    5.) Assimilate / complete changes to MortalKombat (partially complete - needs #1 and #2)
    6.) Assimilate Minimalist (rather strip out all the features I don't use for my personal use)
    7.) Assimilate DemonTrainerFrame (the new hotness)
    8.) Assimilate ClassMasterLoot (the EasyMasterLoot comparable. Mix into GroupFu w/ RollTracker?)
    9.) Help develop MyBags (and bring it into the next generation of addon bliss!)
    10.) Assimilate CT_UnitFrames/SimpleUnitFrames/BUFX (into a compiled low-impact version of all the features I love from these!)
    Kayde's Avatar
    07-04-06 08:40 AM by: Kayde
    Welcome to Kayde's new author portal. This is where you can find my news, report bugs, submit feature requests, read the faq and more. Thanks for stopping by!