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My AddOns
    Welcome to my portal. Please post and bugs, feature requests, or feedback you might have.
    09-29-06 12:11 AM by: Dreyruugr
    * centerbutton border now rotates
    * modified module API
    * added options to display count/rank in item titles

    * fixed various bugs/issues with overlays
    * added option to set border texture for center button
    * added plugin/module API and support
    * removed raid icon menu (to be replaced with module)
    09-26-06 02:55 PM by: Dreyruugr
    * fixed an issue with Cooldowns not hiding for buttons without cooldowns (from 0.9.21)
    * script and macro type item execution no longer changes your current chat channel
    09-25-06 07:58 PM by: Dreyruugr
    * fixed an issue with Cooldowns not hiding for buttons without cooldowns
    09-25-06 06:59 PM by: Dreyruugr
    I've created a tutorial that should cover the basics. Link below.

    Sprocket Tutorial

    Note: wowace is in the process of changing servers, you may need to wait for DNS to propogate for this link to work.
    09-25-06 12:58 PM by: Dreyruugr
    * fixed an issue with emotes commands not working with Script type items
    * fixed an issue with the exec animation sometimes not firing