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My AddOns
    If you've been watching, then you know that I've been working on this Addon, as my very first released Addon. I think I almost have it to a really 'usable' state. I have a few more things I want to clean up in the code (consolidate some functions if I can), and then I'll be ready to mark it a full 1.0 release.

    If you've been using it as I've upgraded functions all along, then you may have noticed that as I change the data structures, you've not had a need to do any cleanup on your quotes or anything like that. I've been 'migrating' data as part of the upgrade process since the beginning. I plan to continue doing this, so please feel comfortable adding your own quotes without worry that I'm going to break anything as I add new features.

    Thanks for your support of this Addon, and I hope it enhances your gameplay!

    Welcome to FatherJim's new author portal. This is where you can find my news, report bugs, submit feature requests, read the faq and more. Thanks for stopping by!

    I've begun a rather ambitious project, as I've never really coded much of an AddOn before. This one has a complex data storage plan, and a moderately complicated GUI interface. As I'm having to learn the Blizzard UI capabilities, and also the bits that LUA seems to lack (fortunately, I've stumbled across a few tips and tricks so far), plus trying to code with the ACE2 libarary, and also have it work with Fubar, it's perhaps going to take me a little while.

    The Loudmouth AddOn is available to the right.. I hope it's as interesting to you as it is to myself and some members of my guild, "The Refugee Camp." We did this because several of us enjoy the fun that Smacktalk provides, although it's very limiting. They also enjoy the Random Excuse Generator, and AFK Generator as well. I figured the same basic core code is used for each of those functions, so why not combine them while trying to create a version of Smacktalk that would allow us to modify our quotes in-game.

    In the process of looking around before I started, I had tried SpeakEasyGUI, and found the complexities of specifying the exact proportions of each quotation to be a bit of overkill. Don't get me wrong, it's VERY flexible, and there's some really nice ideas there. But the interface was extremely awkward to use (sorry), and a bit too tedious for most. If you decided to go back and add 1 quote to a list of say 15, then you'd have to recalculate the random ranges, and edit each quote. I hope that this AddOn will provide the very best features of each of these AddOns I mentioned. Someone mentioned in a comment about "Role Playing Helper" which I'd never heard of before. As it looks to be a bit old (from a WOW patch level standpoint), I'm going to assume it's not been continued. But, in looking at the author's description, I noticed that there were a couple more interesting ideas as well. So, I will attempt to incorporate the best features I see there as well.

    I'll be honest, I'm not sure I can take any and all suggestions for features. I'll certainly read them, but I will also need to think about what time I can devote to writing this, and also to how the feature would fit in to my overall plan. So, if I decline to implement your feature as you wanted, please go easy on me. I'm mostly writing this for me, and if you get some benefit, I'm thrilled. So, bear with me, and I hope we'll have a nice AddOn that we can use for a long time without annoying others. All I ask is that you use reasonable values for the AddOn. I'll provide some reasonable values as defaults, but as with everything else, people's impressions about it will likely be based on how people use it.

    I likely won't take new feature requests until I really have this thing working mostly the way I intend, unless it's something I can work with as I go along. Thanks for visiting, and keep watching for updates. I've just started this as of roughly Friday Dec 21st or so, and it's become rather functional in just a few days, in spite of spending many hours with my family.