View Bug Report
Not functionng as intended
Bug #: 4585
File: Shoo Shards
Date: 06-20-08 09:42 AM
By: Sec
Status: Fixed
If ShooShards is set to "0" shards, the addon acts as if it is turned off rather than show a zero tolerance to any shards that overflow the soul pouch.

When set to values of "1" or greater, ShooShards does not remove any of the excess shards that should correspond to the value selected.

When logging onto a character with ShooShards enabled, and value set to "1", every shard (except 1) is automatically dropped from the soul pouch. May occur for greater values, too.

When picking up any item, the sound associated with picking up a soul shard also plays, layering on top of the other item's actual sound.

I'm using the latest version supplied on WoWInterface. There may be a few buggy features, but I haven't been able to find them - I've disabled ShooShards after it automatically destroyed all of my shards in my soul pouch after logging on, leaving me with only 1 shard.