Satrina's Den of Iniquity : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Interface Reverse Sort Order Comment
5938 \SpellTab.lua line 113: attempt to compare number with nil 06-28-09 12:29 PM Faitmaker Unconfirmed SBF 3.2 Beta None.
7350 GameTooltip error 03-15-11 06:36 AM Dessembrae Unconfirmed SBF 3.2 Beta
By: Dessembrae
03-16-11 08:55 AM
7221 default "npc" filter confuses players from other servers with NPCs 01-27-11 12:45 PM reuhman Unconfirmed SBF 3.2 Beta
By: reuhman
01-29-11 07:09 AM
6981 Buff Counts 11-01-10 06:57 PM biggoofyus Unconfirmed SBF 3.2 Beta None.
6982 Debuff Counts 11-01-10 06:59 PM biggoofyus Unconfirmed SBF 3.2 Beta
By: biggoofyus
11-01-10 07:05 PM
7656 On levelup bug 03-17-12 08:04 AM Dessembrae Unconfirmed SBF 3.2 Beta None.
6032 I think this is occuring when rogue poisons are near to expiry 08-09-09 05:26 PM thebadmf Unconfirmed Satrina Buff Frames 3 None.
5865 [3.1.12] "bad arg1 to pairs", can't see temp enchants 05-27-09 02:03 AM Phanx Fixed Satrina Buff Frames 3
By: Satrina
05-27-09 08:31 AM
6815 LibColourFrame 10-14-10 10:42 PM Meebsy Unconfirmed Satrina Buff Frames 3 None.
6819 colour frame cant close 10-15-10 03:50 AM scobedoo Unconfirmed Satrina Buff Frames 3 None.