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My AddOns
    As promised, 0.6 is out now with a popup menu support for the AH frame!
    You can now add/remove blacklisted sellers with MUCH more ease. Enjoy, and feedback is greatly appreciated.

    As of right now, mod has been uploaded and pending approval. Should be available soon!

    Just a quick peek in here.
    Working on getting my WoWAce SVN access going, and lots of neat stuff coming down the line, least of which is a right-click GUI for the AH frame!

    Stay tuned, should be updated this weekend.
    ScammerBeGone, or SBG for short is a mod that allows you to flag sellers on the AH so that you will be warned (or alternatively, your bid will be intercepted) before you you attempt to bid/buyout on their auctions.

    So that, you know - when you're buying 80000 Gromsblood stacks for Loatheb for your guild, you don't accidently buy the 999G stack by some random scammer.

    No frills/fancy UI yet, but stay tuned!
    11-14-06 03:37 PM by: lunaknight
    Welcome everyone, not much to see here yet.
    More to come soon, stay tuned!

    Comments/ratings on mods are greatly appreciated so I know what direction to take.