Updated: 11-07-14 10:37 AM
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Updated:11-07-14 10:37 AM
Created:11-07-14 10:37 AM

MyRolePlay QuickStatus

Version: 1.0
by: Haleth [More]


MyRolePlay_QuickStatus is, as the name suggests, a plugin for MyRolePlay.

It lets you quickly see and edit your character's "Currently" status by providing a small window that is always visible. This way, you're less likely to forget to edit or clear your status every now and then, and it's much faster than having to open the main editor.


Just click the window to edit your status. The 'x' button on the right side will clear it again.

The window fades out when no status is set, so that it isn't too distracting.

You can move it as well. Hover your cursor over the top of the of the frame and click the text that appears. Drag it to wherever you want, then click the same text to lock the frame once more (or shift-click to reset its position).

Aurora support

This addon looks best with Aurora!

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