Updated: 08-25-18 01:08 AM
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Updated:08-25-18 01:08 AM
Categories:Graphic UI Mods, Action Bar Mods

BindPad - GUI to set keybindings for spell/item/macro  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 2.8.7
by: Tageshi [More]

BindPad -- Created by Tageshi

1. WHAT IS "BindPad"?

BindPad is an addon to make KeyBindings for spells, items, and macros.
You no longer need actionbar slots just to make Key bindings for your macores etc.

BindPad addon provides many icon slots in its frame. You can drag and drop
anything into one of these slots, and click the slot to set KeyBindings.

2. HOW TO USE "BindPad"?

(1) Type /bindpad or /bp to display BindPad frame.
(Also you can find "Toggle BindPad" Keybinding command in standard
KeyBindings frame of Blizzard-UI.)

(2) Open spellbook frame (p), you bag (b), or Macro Panel (/macro).
(Also you can use three mini-icons on BindPad frame to open these windows.)

(3) Drag an spell icon, item icon, or macro icon using left button drag and
drop it onto the BindPad window.
(Maybe you need shift key + left button drag if action bars are locked.)

(4) Now you see the icon placed on BindPad frame. Click it,
and a dialog window "Press a key to bind" will appear.

(5) Type a key to bind. And click 'Close' button.

(6) When you want to remove icons from BindPad frame, simply drag away the icon
and press right click to delete it.

Note that KeyBinding itself will not be unbinded when you delete the icon.
To unbind it, click the icon and click Unbind button on the dialog window.
Also you can simply override Keybindings.



There are four tabs called Slots Tab on the top of BindPad frame
(like Blizzard's Macro frame).

[General Slots] is for common icons used for every characters and every specs.
[<Character> Specific Slots] is for icons specific to current character
and current spec.

[2] and [3] (aka. 2nd and 3rd <Character> specific slots) will act
in the same way as [<Character> Specific Slots].

Note that you can use [<Character> Specific Slots] tab only after you click
'Character Specific Key Bindings' check box at standard KeyBindings frame of Blizzard-UI.
From BindPad version 1.5, you can see this checkbox on BindPad window itself too.
(Also BindPad will inform you about 'Character Specific Key Bindings' and automatically
activate it for you when you click [<Character> Specific Slots] tab.)


There are another three tabs called Profile Tab on the side of BindPad frame.
(like Blizzard's Talent frame)

Different Profile can hold different contents in [<Character> Specific Slots].
You can click a Profile tab to switch current Profile, and your choice of
Profile is saved for each Talent specs and automatically reverted to former
profile when you change talent spec. If you choose same Profile for both
talent specs this automatic change will not happen.

Note that [General Slots] tab is not effected by Profile change, as all
contents of [General Slots] tab is common for all characters AND all specs.
If you change Profile while [General Slots] tab is shown,
BindPad will automatically shows [<Character> Specific Slots] tab of
specified Profile.


No, you cannot.

If you need different skills binded for different stances/forms,
simply use the stance condition to decide on what skill to use.

Example: /cast [stance:1/2] Berserker Stance; [stance:3] Intercept

Where [Stance:1/2] is conditioning the macro for you to be in battle stance
or defensive stance and [stance:3] is conditioning you to be in berserker stance.
This works for all classes with stances (Including rogues for stealth [stance:1]
and shadow dance [stance:2] or none of the previous [stance:0]).

Druid example: /cast [stance:1] Bash; [nostance:1] Healing Touch

[nostance] = Caster, [stance:1] = Bear, [stance:2] = Aquatic, [stance:3] = Cat,
[stance:4] = Travel, [stance:5] = Tree/Moonkin if available else Flight,
[stance:6] = Flight if Tree/Moonkin is not available.

4. "You want to convert this icon into a BINDPAD MACRO?"... What?

"BindPad Macro" is a new feature from BindPad version 1.8.0 ;
which allow you to make almost unlimited number of virtual macro icons.

Older versions of BindPad just let you save your limited action bar slots.
This new BindPad will let you save your limited macro slots on the standard
"Create Macro" panel.

- Click the small red "+" icon to create an empty BindPad Macro.
- Right-click an existing spell/item/macro icon on BindPad to convert it into a BindPad Macro.
- Right-click the "BindPad Macro" to edit macro-text.
- ...and you can use left-click to set keybindings as usual.

Note that BindPad Macro will only exist within the BindPad frame;
You can drag-and-drop them within BindPad, but you cannot drop them outside.


BindPad addon utilizes new functions added from WoW API 2.0 .

You can use these functions (and many others) in any addons or macros.

SetBinding("KEY", "command")
SetBindingSpell("KEY", "Spell Name")
SetBindingItem("KEY", "itemname")
SetBindingMacro("KEY", "macroname"|macroid)

Just don't forget to save changes by

There are some other similar addons by other authors.
Try them and choose what you like.






Visit these links for more informations about keybindings and macros.


You can get latest version of BindPad from

Or from Curse:

Version 2.8.7
- Fixed bug: Changing name for a BindPad Macro broke the keybind.
(Thanks to xalcon for reporting this!)

Version 2.8.6
- Fixed bug: Couldn't drag and drop itons.
(Thank you Stanzilla!)

Version 2.8.5
- Update TOC for Patch 8.0
(Thank you Stanzilla!)

Version 2.8.4
- Stanzilla's quick fix.
Update TOC for Patch 7.3
update soundkit usage for 7.3

Version 2.8.3
- Fixed Lua Error: attempt to index local 'profile' (a nil value)

Version 2.8.2
- Fixed Lua Error: attempted to call a protected function (SaveBindings()) during combat lockdown.

Version 2.8.1
- Fixed Lua Error: attempt to call field 'GetMountInfo' (a nil value)

Version 2.8.0
- Updated for Legion.
- Profile Tabs are now assigned to Specializations.
- Added 4th Profile Tab for Druids.
Known issue:
- BindPadMacro icons are sometimes not displayed correctly while drag & drop.
(SetCursor() function doesn't accept numbers as texture.)

Version 2.7.13
- ToC update for Patch 6.2.
- Fixed a bug introduced at 2.7.11 which makes keybindings of a Profile
to be lost when LoadBindings() is called after switching Profiles.
(Cancel button in Blizzard's KeyBindings frame calls LoadBindings().
Thus it destroys BindPad's keybindings.)

Version 2.7.12
- Fixed a bug which spills over new keybindings to another profiles.
(Ex. If you put PvP Medallion in Profile1 and there was no PvP Medallion
icon in Profile2, keybindings for PvP Medallion sometimes mistakenly
copied over to Profile2.)

Version 2.7.11
- Removed SaveBindings() as a fix to random frequent crash at /reload.
(It never happened before WoD, so something is changed Blizard side.)

- Fixed old bug which caused BindPadMacro disabled when very same icon
is placed on a BindPadMacro icon.
(It happened when you drop same Mount or pet action twice on a same slot.)

Version 2.7.10
- Fixed bug which breaks keybinds when players login in combat.

Version 2.7.9
- Tried to fix ShowHotkeys option for active telents on Russian client.
- Fixed a rare bug which may cause BindPadMacro to stop working.
- Added workaround to avoid canceling Priest's Shadowform when
keybind of "Summon Random Favorite Mount" is used.

Version 2.7.8
- Fixed bug of "Summon Random Favorite Mount" again.

Version 2.7.7
- Keybind for "Summon Random Favorite Mount" can be used while in shapeshift form.

Version 2.7.6
- Fixed bug of SaveAllKeys option
by updating for API change of GetBinding function.

Version 2.7.5
- Added support for Shift-Clicking of any hyperlink in chatframe;
which was previously only supported for spellLinks and itemLinks.
Now we can insert tradeskill links and enchant links into BindPadMacro.
- Added support for "Summon Random Favorite Mount" icon on Pet Journal.

Version 2.7.4
- Changed 1023 letters limit to 1024 bytes limit for BindPad Macro text.
(There are mysterious 1024 bytes limit on Blizzard's side,
and longer texts will be ignored when running a macro.)
- Changed behavior of "For All Characters" to fix bug;
which caused some keybindings to be removed.

Version 2.7.3
- Added new option "For All Characters" on keybinding frame;
which makes a keybind to carry over to all other characters.
- Fixed bug which made option checkboxes not working.
- Fixed mount support for WoD beta.
- Removed the workaround as build 18663 fixed Serializer.

Version 2.7.2
- Added workaround for WoD beta bug of Serializer for SavedVariables.

Version 2.7.1
- Updated for Revision 18645.

Version 2.7.0
- Updated for Warlords of Draenor

Version 2.6.7
- Fixed a Lua error introduced on 2.6.6. when player class has flyout spells.

Version 2.6.6
- Fixed Show Hotkey option for morhping spells such as Eternal Flame.

Version 2.6.5
- ToC update for patch 5.4

Version 2.6.4
- ToC update for patch 5.2
- Attempted to fix possible issue caused by invalid return value from GetCurrentBindingSet().

Version 2.6.3
- Fixed battlepet support which was broken since 5.1 .

Version 2.6.2
- TOC update for 5.1
- Introduced letter limit of 1023 for BindPad macro as a workaround of a bug
where letters over 1023 was simply ignored when using BindPadMacro.
(It seems it's limitation of Blizzard's API.)

Version 2.6.1
- Added optional support for AdvancedIconSelector (or LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0)
when choosing an icon for BindPadMacro.
(You can get AdvancedIconSelector from:
- Re-adjusted hotkey size and position.
- Replaced text font for BindPad Macro editbox
from GameFontHighlightSmall to ChatFontNormal.

Version 2.6.0
- Added "Show more slots" button, "Show less slots" button and a scroll bar
on both General tab and each character specific tabs.
Now BindPad can hold unlimited number of icons.
(as long as you have enough memory to hold.)
- Fixed bug related to savefile conversion:
If you had enabled "Show Keys in Tooltip" option with 2.5.6,
you couldn't disable "Show Hotkeys" option (it keeped re-enabling itself at login).
- Corrected behavier of scrollbar when editting long BindPad Macro text.

Version 2.5.8
- Fixed potensial lua error "attempt to call method 'GetAction' (a nil value)"
which happened with Lunarsphere and ButtonForge.
(Still, Show Hotkeys won't support them, but Show-Keys-in-Tooltip works.)

Version 2.5.7
- Added 0.1 second delay when updating hotkey display to avoid race condition
and to improve efficiency.
- Fixed lua error which occures on riding or leaving vehicle while using Bartendar4.
- Fixed lua error related with tooltip of a deleted macro.
- Fixed bug which makes redundant keybinding display on a talent tooltip.
- Adjusted position and size of hotkey text so that a few more characters are visible.

Version 2.5.6
- Show Hotkeys option is back and now more efficient.
- Show Hotkeys now supports every actionbar addons as far as I know.
- "Show Keys in Tooltip" is included in Show HotKeys option for now.

Version 2.5.5
- Fixed a display bug: "Show Keys in Tooltip" toggle option was
going to be unchecked at login.

Version 2.5.4
- Fixed Lua error related to AddSpellByID at Mastery tooltip.
- Internal change: replaced StaticPopup_Show with BindPad's own function.

Version 2.5.3
- Added new feature: Show Keys in Tooltip option;
which adds a text to describe keybindings in tooltip
for spells, items, and macros on ActionBar and Spellbook.
(to compensate removal of Show HotKey option.)

Version 2.5.2
- Added new feature: SaveAllKeys option;
which automatically saves all keys of Blizzard's Key Bindings Interface
for current BindPad Profile and restore them when switching Profiles.
- Reduced memory consumption by removing empty tables.

Version 2.5.1
- Fixed "script run too long" error.
- Removed broken Show-Hotkeys option which was pertially broken from long before.
- Added support for "Assist" pet skill.
- Added support for battlepet icon.
- Fixed bug: Was unable to pick up class spells from BindPad slot.
- Fixed bug: shift-clicking an icon no longer insert itemlink to BindPad Macro frame
when you meant to insert the itemlink into an active Chat Frame instead.

Version 2.5.0
- Updated for Mist of Pandaria beta 15799.

Version 2.4.1
- Updated for patch 4.3 .

Version 2.4.0
- Fixed bug: Tooltip for Fishing and First Aid was not correctly shown.
- Added new slash sub-commands to manage profiles.
/bindpad list : List profiles in saved variables.

Version 2.3.9
- Updated for 4.1 .
- Added more detailed tooltip text for Profile tabs and Slots tabs.
- BindPad will automatically shows [<Character> Specific Slots] tab
of specified Profile when you click Profile Tab.
(To reduce unnecessary confusion, because contents of
the General Slots tab are common for every Profiles anyway.)
- Trigger on Keydown checkbox is now hidden.
(It now follows Blizzard's "Cast action keybinds on key down"
in Combat option.)
- Added support for "Move To" pet skill.
- Added more description about tabs in readme.txt

Version 2.3.8
- Updated for 4.0.6, and fixed huge tab bug.

Version 2.3.7
- Added more error check to repair corrupted variables.

Version 2.3.6
- Added error check for when your pet is dismissed while dragging a pet skill icon.
- Fixed error produced by corrupted variables made by the above error.

Version 2.3.5
- Added support for Pet skills (except Move To).

Version 2.3.4
- Removed (now useless) Fast Trigger option.
(WoW client patch 4.0.1 introduced "ability queue" system,
that's why we no longer need Fast Trigger.)
- Fixed a tooltip for zhTW and zhCN localization.

Version 2.3.3
- Actually fixed problem for Feral Charge (Cat Form), Mangle (Cat Form) now.

Version 2.3.1
- Fixed problem for Feral Charge (Cat Form), Mangle (Cat Form) (it's lie!)
- Fixed "Show Hotkeys" for standard ActionBar.
(May not work for other action bar addons.)

Version 2.3.0
- Now support Cataclysm Beta Build 12857.

Version 2.2.4
- Added a workaround for a strange bug of GetCurrentBindingSet() API function.

Version 2.2.3 (beta)
- 2.2.3 is an experimental version.

Version 2.2.2
- Fixed a bug which breaks keybindings for Downranking spells.

Version 2.2.1
- Fixed a SavedVariable conversion bug introduced in 2.2.0
which breaks existing keybindings.

Version 2.2.0
- Now all keybindings made by BindPad is triggered on key-down instead of key-up.
(You can disable this future by a toggle button.)
- Added "Fast Trigger" option toggle button on the Keybinding frame;
keybindings with this option enabled will be triggered on
both pressing and releasing a key.
- Fixed a bug which prevent a BindPadMacro to work after converting
from spell/item/macro icon.
- Fixed a bug which made some broken action string when using
control+drag to duplicate a BindPadMacro.

Version 2.1.7
- Fixed bug introduced in 2.1.6 which prevented Escape key to close the frame.

Version 2.1.6
- Added support for maximum 31 mouse buttons.
(for World of Warcraft Gaming Mouse)

Version 2.1.5
- Switching profile is now much faster when both profiles have same keybindings.
- Now allows bindings to left/right mouse button with modifiers.
(Control+LeftButton etc.)

Version 2.1.4
- Fixed bug: Couldn't use Bronze Drake because its mount name
is "Bronze Drake Mount" instead of the spell name "Bronze Drake".
- Fixed bug: When you drop two same mount/pet icon on BindPad,
the second one used wrong name and didn't work.

Version 2.1.3
- Fixed bug: When you bind different keys to same spell/item/macro for
different profiles, unused keys were not correctly unbinded when
switching profile; which also caused display problem of tooltip.

Version 2.1.2
- You can duplicate any icon on BindPad by shift-click & drag now.
So that you can copy icons from a profile tab to another profile tab.
- Fixed bug: BindPadMacro was not updated correctly on switching profile
when you have BindPadMacro icons with same name on each profile tab.

Version 2.1.1
- Changed behavior of profile tabs; BindPad now remembers which
profile tab was used for each talent spec.
Three profile tabs are now equal each other.
- BindPadMacro edit frame now accepts shift-click on spell or items
to insert as a macro text. (Same as standard macro frame.)

Version 2.1.0
- Added three profile tabs; switching profile will
save & load whole character specific icons and their keybindings.
- First two of the three profile tabs are linked to Dual Spec of
WotLK 3.1.0, and will be automatically switched when you swtich spec.
- The third profile tab is just an extra.
- All character specific icons and keybindings are duplicated at the
first time you use a profile.

Version 2.0.2b
- Fixed: Modifier keys couldn't be used for keybinding of BindPadMacro.

Version 2.0.1
- Correctly support spells which have a pair of bracket in its name;
For example, "Faerie Fire (Feral)", "Swipe (Cat)"

Version 2.0.0
- Updated for WotLK 3.1.0
- You can drag&drop companion icons and use it as a BindPadMacro. (WotLK 3.1.0 only)
- You can drag&drop new equipmentset icons from Equiment Manager too. (WotLK 3.1.0 only)

- Changed keybinding name of BindPadMacro; now it sees like "BindPadMacro:<name>" instead of "BindPadMacro101:" etc.
- Now you can use "/click BindPadMacro <name>" slash command to run the BindPadMacro from within a macro.
- Added various error checks to avoid calling protected functions in combat.
- Fixed: BindPadMacro text was sometimes overwritten by different icon's macro text.

Version 1.9.1
- Release for 3.0.2

Version 1.9.0
- Updated for WotLK beta

Version 1.8.6
- Fixed a drawing order problem of "Show Hotkeys"
for Bartendar4 and probably for Bartendar3.
- Added locatization for zhCN and zhTW. (Thanks xinsonic)

Version 1.8.5
"Show Hotkeys" now supports Bartendar4.

Version 1.8.4
Added a workaround for error message "GetSpellName(): Invalid spell slot".

Version 1.8.3
- (Really) fixed the display issue of "Show Hotkeys" on compatibility with Bongos3.
- Added "Test" button on the BindPad Macro frame to test the macro while editing.
- Improved the keybinding confirmation window when the key is already
bound to a BindPad Macro.

Version 1.8.2
Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented BindPad to detect correct spell
rank after respeccing talent or training new spells.

Version 1.8.1
Fixed display issue of "Show Hotkeys" function introduced in 1.7.1; Compatibility with Bongos3 fixed.
(EDIT: Actually it was not yet fixed.)

Version 1.8.0

"BindPad Macro" : New feature to make almost unlimited number of virtual macro icons.
BindPad Macro is made for you to save limited macro slots on the standard Blizzard UI.
BindPad Macro will only exist within the BindPad frame, and allow you to make keybindings on them.

- Click the small red "+" icon to create an empty BindPad Macro.
- Right-click an existing spell/item/macro icon on BindPad frame to convert it into a BindPad Macro.
- Right-click the "BindPad Macro" to edit macro-text.
- ...and you can use left-click to set keybindings as usual.

Version 1.7.1
Added an option checkbox "Show Hotkeys".
The hotkey function now supports all ActionBar AddOns in addition to Blizard UI.
(Only tested for Bartendar3 addon.)

Version 1.7.0
Added an ability to automatically display binded hotkeys on ActionBar buttons.
(Suggested by Pheon)

Version 1.6.1
Updated for WoW client 2.3.0 .
Fixed a bug causing macro icons sometimes not working.

Version 1.6
Added two extra tabs for heavy users.

Version 1.5.1
TOC update.

Version 1.5
TOC update.
Added the 'Character Specific Key Bindings' check box at upper right corner of BindPad frame.
Added some functions to inform about 'Character Specific Key Bindings'.

Version 1.4
TOC update.
Added three mini-icons to open Spellbook, Macros Panel, and All bags.
Now uses new GetCursorInfo() API. (Slouken have kindly added it for me.)
You can now drag&drop icons from Action Bars too.
You can now use mouse wheel up/down as a keybind.

Version 1.3 (Now really updated version):
Added slash command /bindpad and /bp

Version 1.2 (not uploaded!):
More bug fixes.
Savefile format was changed and not compatible to 1.0 and 1.1.
(Old save data will be deleted when you use version 1.2; that don't unbind but you need to drag icons again.)

Version 1.1 (not uploaded!):
Fixed some tainting bug.

Version 1.0
Initial release.
Optional Files (1)
File Name
09-01-12 01:05 AM

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Unread 07-28-08, 01:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I was sure Iposted this before... seems lke I was wrong :P

First off, let me announce that I LOVE BindPad!
It's wonderfull. And with this Macro option it's now even more usefull than ever.
I used to use this addon simply to bind a second keybind to whatever I want. But now it's much more than that.
Now my macros have become my friends

I would love to be able to pull the macros from BindPad onto the actionbar.
Old addons that allow the addition of more macros (that can be used on the actionbars) are no longer updated and don't work with the current version of WoW.

Can I please get an explanation as to why it can't be possible to make these macros draggable onto the actionbars? Or an explanation on how would it be possible?

I mean, the amount of macros supplied by Blizzard ain't nearly enough for one who knows what macros are capable of.


I have a small understanding of LUA.. not much, but enough for you to try and explain it in your own way.
So please give as detailed an explanation as you can
If I don't understand something, I'll either search WoWWiki, or simply ask you guys
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Unread 07-18-08, 12:19 AM  
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Ok found out the problem.

On my paladin I have shift-space binded to a macro thats seen by all characters. On my warrior I have shift-space binded to a warrior only seen macro.

What happens is shift-space works fine on my warrior. Log on my paladin which changes shift-space to mount special macro. Log back on my warrior and shift-space doesn't get rebinded to my warrior only macro.

Dont think it has to do anything with the patch though.
Last edited by galvin : 07-19-08 at 03:19 PM.
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Unread 07-04-08, 05:28 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Override bindings

I saw a rumor that saids keybindings will be saved serverside on the next expansion WotLK. That means we can no longer use diffeernt keybindings while using your friend's account after WotLK released.

To handle this problem, I'm considering possibility to change BindPad so that it make use of OverrideBindings API functions to make temporaly keybindings which will not be saved at all (without AddOn's control). With this change, BindPad will be able to have complete control of saving and restoring keybindings depending on characters and/or profiles.
Last edited by Tageshi : 07-04-08 at 05:29 AM.
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Unread 06-21-08, 01:23 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Profiles

Originally posted by Tageshi
Ok, then.

It's more difficult than the first look.
There are many other AddOns with profile (Ace addons and some others), but we cannot just implement such profile functions into BindPad.
We want a unified "Profile" for both BindPad icons and KEYBINDINGS stored outside of .lua files.

There is one easier option if we want to profile keybindings only.
Please try this addon.

KeyProfiler will allow you to save and restore all keybindings.
And about BindPad icons, we have 3 tabs for each characters.
Isn't it enough space for your 3 talent specs?

I'm still considering a unified "Profile" too (this is the hardest option).
Or maybe add a checkbox in each tab to disable all keybindings of that tab? (this is the middle in difficulty)

How do you feel for these possibilities?
Iīve tested a bit with the warlock and when you make in the different tabs the spells of each spec it really doesnīt take so much time to set up 3 or 4 new binds.. so I think the diferent tabs plus the addon you mentioned before is quite enough for me atm...

tnx a lot for the help m8.. and keep the good work!
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Unread 06-20-08, 09:59 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Profiles

Originally posted by pablere
Soz m8.. but iīm spanish and have problems writin in english sometimes.. I fully understood you.

I will make the backups copyin BOTH .lua of bindpad and the of each char that is in the folder of each char (\WTF\Account\accountname\server\char_name ). In fact I copy A PORTION of the .lua of the bindpad file in the savedvariables and the specific binds of each char...

Hope this time I managed to explain well.
Ok, then.

It's more difficult than the first look.
There are many other AddOns with profile (Ace addons and some others), but we cannot just implement such profile functions into BindPad.
We want a unified "Profile" for both BindPad icons and KEYBINDINGS stored outside of .lua files.

There is one easier option if we want to profile keybindings only.
Please try this addon.

KeyProfiler will allow you to save and restore all keybindings.
And about BindPad icons, we have 3 tabs for each characters.
Isn't it enough space for your 3 talent specs?

I'm still considering a unified "Profile" too (this is the hardest option).
Or maybe add a checkbox in each tab to disable all keybindings of that tab? (this is the middle in difficulty)

How do you feel for these possibilities?
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Unread 06-20-08, 09:57 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Profiles

Originally posted by Tageshi
You are just mis-understanding.
Please carefully read my previous post and understand why you cannot restore your affliction spec bindings by overwriting BindPad.lua; that will be starting point of a discussion.
Soz m8.. but iīm spanish and have problems writin in english sometimes.. I fully understood you.

I will make the backups copyin BOTH .lua of bindpad and the of each char that is in the folder of each char (\WTF\Account\accountname\server\char_name ). In fact I copy A PORTION of the .lua of the bindpad file in the savedvariables and the specific binds of each char...

Hope this time I managed to explain well.
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Unread 06-20-08, 09:36 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Re: Re: Profiles

Originally posted by pablere
I will use bindpad couse I donīt clik in action bars and I donīt show any action bar in my UI. I bind all the spells with bind pad for a spec (affliction lock for example) and when I want a respec I copy the bindpad options in my hd from the .lua and reconfigure another spec (destruction one); the next time I go affliction again I only have to overwrite my last bindpad .lua and thatīs all.. made in 2 secs all the binds of my new spec .
You are just mis-understanding.
Please carefully read my previous post and understand why you cannot restore your affliction spec bindings by overwriting BindPad.lua; that will be starting point of a discussion.
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Unread 06-20-08, 08:56 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Profiles

Originally posted by Tageshi
The icons placed in BindPad frame are stored in
All character's data are stored in this single file.

BUT your keybindings are stored in

And so, it's difficult to make a Profile for both BindPad icons and Keybindings.
You definately want icons and keybindings be profiled, yes?
The problem of the re-specs is that the setup of the action bars.. the icons in those bars are kept server side.. so if you change your spec for feral druid to resto one, for example, you have to move a lot of your spells and reconfigure.

I will use bindpad couse I donīt clik in action bars and I donīt show any action bar in my UI. I bind all the spells with bind pad for a spec (affliction lock for example) and when I want a respec I copy the bindpad options in my hd from the .lua and reconfigure another spec (destruction one); the next time I go affliction again I only have to overwrite my last bindpad .lua and thatīs all.. made in 2 secs all the binds of my new spec .

It would be awesome if you can select a spec for each character, if you add an option like item rack to your addon.. oh man.. that would be fantastic

keep the man goin!
Last edited by pablere : 06-20-08 at 09:04 AM.
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Unread 06-20-08, 08:08 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Profiles

Originally posted by pablere
It would be insanely good if you arrange a "profile" option in the addon.. tnx in advice!

Pd: meanwhile.. would you tell me where does the addon saves the information of each character so I can make copies of the addon each one with each spec of my chars?.. so I can later overwrite when respec...

tnx in advice and keep the good work!!
The icons placed in BindPad frame are stored in
All character's data are stored in this single file.

BUT your keybindings are stored in

And so, it's difficult to make a Profile for both BindPad icons and Keybindings.
You definately want icons and keybindings be profiled, yes?
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Unread 06-20-08, 04:17 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hi there... tnx a lot for this great addon.. itīs really usefull when I want to play with one of the chars of a friend of mine..

I would like to make you a request.. the posibility to use profiles.. I play a warlock, druid and priest and use a lot of macros... I usually respec a lot so itīs a pain in the ass when i respec and have to change all the binds and macros...

It would be insanely good if you arrange a "profile" option in the addon.. tnx in advice!

Pd: meanwhile.. would you tell me where does the addon saves the information of each character so I can make copies of the addon each one with each spec of my chars?.. so I can later overwrite when respec...

tnx in advice and keep the good work!!
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Unread 06-05-08, 02:17 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Well thank you for the update, it mysteriously works now

Originally posted by Tageshi
well. How to toggle hide hotkey with BT4? I cannot find such option of BT4.
/bt4 -> BarX, [general settings] tab, at the bottom there's
----- button look-------
[ ] Hide macro text [ ] Hide hotkey
[ ] Fade out

My current version is 75834.

(and yikes, now I pressed some wrong key combo and this page went all weird on me)
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Unread 06-05-08, 07:58 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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well. How to toggle hide hotkey with BT4? I cannot find such option of BT4.
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Unread 06-05-08, 07:57 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Pseudopod
Well I tried toggling the option (and also toggled the Bt4 option I found). I also tried dragging a spell icon from my spellbook once I had bound the hotkey to it to my action bars and moved them around. They didn't show up at any point. I hope that's what you meant me to do.
Of course if I use /kb and bind an actionbar button the keybinding shows (and toggling the Bt4 option "hide hotkey" acts accordingly) so at least that's checked out too.
Then I'm afraid my fix won't work for you.

I have tested with loading the only 4 addons you mentiond, and BindPad 1.8.5 hotkeys were working fine once I toggle the check button to update all display. And new BindPad 1.8.6 always displays correct hotkey as soon as I bind key with BindPad.

Version 1.8.6
- Fixed a drawing order problem of "Show Hotkeys"
for Bartendar4 and probably for Bartendar3.
- Added locatization for zhCN and zhTW. (Thanks xinsonic)
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Unread 06-05-08, 01:35 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Originally posted by Tageshi
Please check whether hotkeys are correctly displayed when you move some actionbar icons or you toggle "Show Hotkeys" check box on BindPad Frame.

I think it will.

And if so, that is very subtle ordering problem of Hotkey updates, and I know how to fix that on next version.
Well I tried toggling the option (and also toggled the Bt4 option I found). I also tried dragging a spell icon from my spellbook once I had bound the hotkey to it to my action bars and moved them around. They didn't show up at any point. I hope that's what you meant me to do.
Of course if I use /kb and bind an actionbar button the keybinding shows (and toggling the Bt4 option "hide hotkey" acts accordingly) so at least that's checked out too.
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Unread 06-04-08, 07:51 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Pseudopod
I tried deleting Bartender4 & BindPad saved variables and also and then logged with only Bartender4, BindPad, Lib:Ace3 & Lib:Keybound-1.0 (i'm using externals). When I bind a spell, I can't see hotkeys. No errors or anything and the previous settings really are gone. What else could I try if they really should be compatible? They show with Bongos3 & BT3 though, so are you sure it's working as intended?
Please check whether hotkeys are correctly displayed when you move some actionbar icons or you toggle "Show Hotkeys" check box on BindPad Frame.

I think it will.

And if so, that is very subtle ordering problem of Hotkey updates, and I know how to fix that on next version.
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