Updated: 12-15-07 11:50 AM
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Updated:12-15-07 11:50 AM


Version: 2.3.0
by: cattleprod [More]


CattleProd is an addon to automatically search a battleground for AFK players and report them using the ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK function added in the 2.2 release.


* Automatic reporting of AFK players (skips already debuffed players)
* Manually announce AFK players to battleground chat
* A high level of configuration to influence the effort calculation
* Output levels determine how much reporting is shown to user
* Alterac Valley: Detect Defenders, Reward Assault and Defense of nodes
* Arathi Basin: Detect Defenders, Reward Assault and Defense of nodes
* Eye of the Storm: Detect Defenders, Reward Flag Captures


CattleProd calculates an effort score for each player of your faction in the a battleground by evaluating a player's damage, heal, battleground specific score board data, and player defensive locations. The effort score takes into account the recent performance of the player. The player's effort score is then compared to the average effort score for the battleground to determine if a player is AFK and then reported.


* Extract to World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons
* Upgrades require clicking the "Defaults" button on the Configuration


* /cpconf - Bring up the configuration screen
* /cpherd - Scan battleground for AFK players
* /cpdefend - Let you know your location and your defensive status

General Configuration

Report Players AFK
With this option enabled player's who are considered AFK will be have ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK called which will report the player as AFK. When Report Players AFK is disabled players will not be reported, but will still have output printed that the players are AFK.

Required Effort Percentage
A player whose effort is below the average effort by this percentage or less will be considered AFK.

Report Known Leeches
Report known leeches at the start of the battleground. This will occur at 90 seconds from when a player joins the battleground. This allows time for the battleground to fill up.

Known Leech Count
Only leeches who have a zero effort score throughout an entire battleground will be added to the known leech list. Each match that they are with zero effort scores their count will be incremented. Someone is considered a known leech after this many occurrences.

Report Level
The report level determines the amount of output CattleProd generates for the player.

0: No reports will be shown at all for the user. Note, a player will still see the reports output from the ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK() since the 2.3 patch.

1 - 3: Level 1 will be a very small amount of information, just the current identified leeching players will have their data printed. Level 3 will produce a considerable amount of detailed output.

Monitor Configuration

Auto Start Monitor
Enable the monitor to automatically start when you enter a battleground and automatically turn off when leaving a battleground.

NOTE: Auto Start Monitor only works in Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin and Eye of the Storm. Once battleground specific support for Warsong Gulch are added this setting will affect that battlegrounds also.

Display Monitor
The visible frame of the monitor can be turned off with this option. Players will still be reported as normal.

Monitor Duration
When the monitor is enabled it will report players at the end of the duration. Keep this number reasonable as the number of reports allowed per time frame is limited so only the worst offenders should be reported.

Calculate Player State Interval
Player state is calculated each interval. The shorter the interval the more accurate the defense calculation will be for players. However this also increases the CPU usage and bandwidth requirements, though no slow down is noticeable with the default setting.

Required Data Points
A player score will not be evaluated for effort until the required number of data points have been calculated. If the value is too small players will be potentially reported on route back to the battle since travel takes time. If the value is too large players will be able to evade being marked AFK if they only play in spurts. The larger the value the more memory used, though the default setting has not shown to use that much memory.

Announce Top N Leechers
Only the top N leechers will be reported to the battleground when you click the report button on the monitor frame. Keep this number reasonable or you might be reported for spamming.

Alterac Valley Configuration

AV Graveyard Assaulted Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount when they have assaulted a graveyard.

AV Graveyard Defended Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount when they have defended a graveyard.

AV Tower Assaulted Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount when they have assaulted a tower/bunker.

AV Tower Defended Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount when they have defended a tower/bunker.

AV Defender Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount per minute when they are defending a node.

Arathi Basin Configuration

AB Defender Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount per minute when they are defending a node.

AB Bases Assaulted Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount when they have assaulted a base.

AB Bases Defended Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount when they have defended a base.

Eye of the Storm

EotS Defender Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount per minute when they are defending a node. Also while a character is in the middle near the flag spawn they will receive bonus effort.

Flags Captured Bonus Effort
A player's effort score will be adjusted by this amount for each flag capture.

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Unread 11-14-07, 08:04 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by cattleprod
Well, I like to think that the coming updates are a little more strict and have removed a potential loophole that existed before. It used to be a player in AV would be able to follow the main offensive force to Galv/Bel and do the fight and get lots of damage/heal and then AFK the rest of the match. With the coming update those folks would have their effort score lowered as they AFK'd later in the match because they were not still doing damage or defending a valid location.

Great to hear! I've noticed exactly what you're saying, too. Galv dies and I sit to drink and I've got at least 5 people standing in his room not moving anymore. The good news is, this morning in AV, people who were previously oblivious are noticing the same thing. Punching out periodic BG reports to the raid is, I think, going to arouse a lot more attention to this fact and of course, Cattleprod will start to become as necessary as BG Bars is, if not more.

I'd really like to have you help test the beta tomorrow (I'll really try to get it out tomorrow) since you are pretty familiar with the performance of the mod. So please keep an eye out on the download site.
It couldn't have come at a better time considering Blizzard's patch. I'd be happy to!
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Unread 11-14-07, 06:38 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Jadess
You're not kidding! Cattleprod is needed now more than ever. I'm in AB tonight, at about my 15th game. Lost every one of them due to afkers and underachievers. People are posting on the forums asking where they can get the most honor leeching. It's totally messed up. Everyone notices.

Please don't cave into the demands to make this mod more carebear.

Blizzard, start doing your part before you lose your game!
Well, I like to think that the coming updates are a little more strict and have removed a potential loophole that existed before. It used to be a player in AV would be able to follow the main offensive force to Galv/Bel and do the fight and get lots of damage/heal and then AFK the rest of the match. With the coming update those folks would have their effort score lowered as they AFK'd later in the match because they were not still doing damage or defending a valid location.

I'd really like to have you help test the beta tomorrow (I'll really try to get it out tomorrow) since you are pretty familiar with the performance of the mod. So please keep an eye out on the download site.
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Unread 11-14-07, 06:34 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Morax
I noticed the AB code was a little bit off (being that it was AB weekend I did fair bit of AB).. I played several games with couple friends of mine (one being less skilled at pvp) and that person kept pop'ing up on the list (yet I knew that wasnt for the lack of trying)..

I cant wait to see the new code.. Hopefully it identifies everyone accurately..
The AB specific code is not in CattleProd (well, the released version) yet. So the calculation is only off the player's damage and healing. If the player was defending or taking nodes they potentially would not receive a high enough effort score.

I am hoping to release a beta tomorrow with the AB code in it, which will be available from And then this weekend release the official update on this site and curse also. I need to do some testing with AV to make sure things are still working there also.
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Unread 11-14-07, 03:07 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by cattleprod I've been spending the last week in AB trying to tune the AFKer detection there. Usually there isn't a whole lot of AFKers, but in the morning they seem to come out of the woodwork. I think I have a pretty good system now though.
You're not kidding! Cattleprod is needed now more than ever. I'm in AB tonight, at about my 15th game. Lost every one of them due to afkers and underachievers. People are posting on the forums asking where they can get the most honor leeching. It's totally messed up. Everyone notices.

Please don't cave into the demands to make this mod more carebear.

Blizzard, start doing your part before you lose your game!
Last edited by Jadess : 11-14-07 at 03:08 AM.
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Unread 11-13-07, 06:09 PM  
A Cyclonian
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Originally posted by cattleprod I've been spending the last week in AB trying to tune the AFKer detection there. Usually there isn't a whole lot of AFKers, but in the morning they seem to come out of the woodwork. I think I have a pretty good system now though. [/b]
I noticed the AB code was a little bit off (being that it was AB weekend I did fair bit of AB).. I played several games with couple friends of mine (one being less skilled at pvp) and that person kept pop'ing up on the list (yet I knew that wasnt for the lack of trying)..

I cant wait to see the new code.. Hopefully it identifies everyone accurately..
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Unread 11-13-07, 05:23 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Jadess
Sorry, Beezlebob. I didn't mean to put the pressure on.
It is okey. It hasn't been just you. Also, as I said (somewhere), someone submitted a patch. Who would I be if I didn't integrate a patch someone provided.

P.S.: Could you also think about putting in some funny labels for these people? Cave Squatter for zero scores, Underachiever for 10-15% bracket and BG Newb for under 10% come to my mind. But anything you can fit in would be great!
I might consider this, not necessarily for the funny names, but more descriptive names. I've been spending the last week in AB trying to tune the AFKer detection there. Usually there isn't a whole lot of AFKers, but in the morning they seem to come out of the woodwork. I think I have a pretty good system now though.

I need to run the courses through AV again to make sure the changes I have done while working on the AB code still work and today's patch hasn't changed things too much. Hopefully by the end of the week or Saturday I'll have something to release that has been adequately tested.
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Unread 11-13-07, 01:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by cattleprod
Well, I am finally caving to pressure. And a patch someone provided. I have a little more work to do on the configuration frame, but there will be an option to print who is being reproted as AFK.
Sorry, Beezlebob. I didn't mean to put the pressure on.

It's just that everytime you do an /bg printout with Cave Defenders, you get such interesting reactions. In the one corner you have the fighters who just have to know, "What was THAT? Where can I get one?". In the other corner you have the leechers crying, "Why is my name on there? How did you do that? Take that off!"

It's pretty funny. The BG usually now concludes with everyone trying to avoid being on that list, which was exactly what we were shooting for by putting it out there. It doesn't take any time out from fighting and the bots become more commonly known as everyone can see who it was that never tried to lose the inactive debuff.

By the end of 20 games, the regular BG'ers had the bot names down to a science and were calling them out at the starting gates, INCLUDING the previous afk'ers.

Thanks for this! The optional reports are going to be effective, fun and truly hysterical. I must admit I had a lot of fun testing these two out and I haven't had fun in AV in a long, long time.

P.S.: Could you also think about putting in some funny labels for these people? Cave Squatter for zero scores, Underachiever for 10-15% bracket and BG Newb for under 10% come to my mind. But anything you can fit in would be great!
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Unread 11-12-07, 03:01 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Jadess
I've been noticing that people hate their names showing up on the CaveDefenders print out. I wish Cattleprod had that feature in there where you could cut and paste to chat. They know Cattleprod auto-reports and that's great, but they are extremely intimidated when their names hit the screen. For once, it's them being intimidated and not the poor people doing what they're supposed to and being cursed at for their efforts.

If Cave Defenders and Cattleprod could be one with a feature that lists to chat as an option that would be a very good deterent.

Testing both, we went from 19 afkers down to 1 bot in the cave by the end of the run. I did about 20 runs on AV to test that and that result was the best outcome. Major accomplishment.

Keep up the great work!

PS: Putting Cattleprod in many signatures on the forums seems to be a great way to circulate this addon. If others could do the same, we could get back to more fighting and less looking at the map.
Well, I am finally caving to pressure. And a patch someone provided. I have a little more work to do on the configuration frame, but there will be an option to print who is being reproted as AFK.
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Unread 11-12-07, 02:49 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Morax
been using cattleprod last couple of days..
really pretty cool mod..
couple suggestions..
first idea.. if it could track entrance time for each player.. worst case is 40 different times in AV.. then it could not report someone that has entered late.. at least until they have had a few minutes to do things..
second idea.. if it would remember everyone's "effort" from the previous run through and then compare it to the effort of the current run through then you could tell someone who was say for instance putting out some effort at the start and then giving up..

I saw the suggestion from someone to make it announce who you are tagging as afk.. think that is real good idea but also think you need to tweak who is reported little bit more before that is activated..
You will hopefully be happy to hear the next release of CattleProd will do something even better than keep track of player entrance times. Originally I scaled a player's effort score by their amount of honor compared to the highest honor in the battleground (for their faction). The new method I call "the sliding window" basically keeps track of players performance for the last (default) 5 minutes and the effort score is calculated off that information. This way it keeps constant track of players throughout the whole battleground. If a player only helps for the first five minutes to make a non-zero score then slacks, they will be detected now (well, when I release the next update). In short, I am basically implementing what you have suggested.
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Unread 11-11-07, 04:04 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I've been noticing that people hate their names showing up on the CaveDefenders print out. I wish Cattleprod had that feature in there where you could cut and paste to chat. They know Cattleprod auto-reports and that's great, but they are extremely intimidated when their names hit the screen. For once, it's them being intimidated and not the poor people doing what they're supposed to and being cursed at for their efforts.

If Cave Defenders and Cattleprod could be one with a feature that lists to chat as an option that would be a very good deterent.

Testing both, we went from 19 afkers down to 1 bot in the cave by the end of the run. I did about 20 runs on AV to test that and that result was the best outcome. Major accomplishment.

Keep up the great work!

PS: Putting Cattleprod in many signatures on the forums seems to be a great way to circulate this addon. If others could do the same, we could get back to more fighting and less looking at the map.
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Unread 11-11-07, 03:54 AM  
A Cyclonian
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been using cattleprod last couple of days..
really pretty cool mod..
couple suggestions..
first idea.. if it could track entrance time for each player.. worst case is 40 different times in AV.. then it could not report someone that has entered late.. at least until they have had a few minutes to do things..
second idea.. if it would remember everyone's "effort" from the previous run through and then compare it to the effort of the current run through then you could tell someone who was say for instance putting out some effort at the start and then giving up..

I saw the suggestion from someone to make it announce who you are tagging as afk.. think that is real good idea but also think you need to tweak who is reported little bit more before that is activated..
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Unread 11-04-07, 04:11 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Jadess

EDIT: The errors DO go away after you reset the defaults in /cpconf, Beezlebob. I had thought I did that but after deleting the entire folder, reinstalling CattleProd and then resetting the defaults, I'm not receiving anymore errors with 1.4.1. Thanks
WOOT! I'm glad that it all works well. :-) Thanks for the testing Jadess. I appreciate receiving the bug reports. Let me know if anything else seems to go awry.
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Unread 11-04-07, 02:27 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I reported some bugs for version 1.4.1

If anyone else is having the same errors, just use the previous version 1.3.3 for now. It'll be fine to use that one until Beezlebob gets time to look into it.

EDIT: The errors DO go away after you reset the defaults in /cpconf, Beezlebob. I had thought I did that but after deleting the entire folder, reinstalling CattleProd and then resetting the defaults, I'm not receiving anymore errors with 1.4.1. Thanks
Last edited by Jadess : 11-04-07 at 09:46 AM.
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Unread 11-03-07, 08:21 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Jadess
On the newest version 1.3.3, Beelzebob:

[string "CattleProd_ConfigurationFrame:
OnShow"]:4: attempt to index global
(a nil value)

It's Arathi Basin, not Arathia Basin would be my first guess, but I didn't go through the code yet. Comes up when you do /cpconf.

Otherwise it still works fine.

EDIT: Yup, that's it. Went into the .xml and changed Arathia to Arathi and the error is gone. Sucks working at 2am on this, huh?

NOTE: AB tab is defined Alterac Valley in /cpconf
Great catch. I've been looking for that bugger of a bug. It is also reported right here. I've known about it for a while, but since the other configuration frames are not being used as of yet I didn't put a lot of thought into looking for the bug. Thanks for the catch. I'll have to be more careful in my cut and pasting in the future, let alone typos.

I am hoping to release 1.4.1 tonight and this fix will be included.
Last edited by cattleprod : 11-03-07 at 08:21 AM.
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Unread 11-03-07, 05:39 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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On the newest version 1.3.3, Beelzebob:

[string "CattleProd_ConfigurationFrame:
OnShow"]:4: attempt to index global
(a nil value)

It's Arathi Basin, not Arathia Basin would be my first guess, but I didn't go through the code yet. Comes up when you do /cpconf.

Otherwise it still works fine.

EDIT: Yup, that's it. Went into the .xml and changed Arathia to Arathi and the error is gone. Sucks working at 2am on this, huh?

NOTE: AB tab is defined Alterac Valley in /cpconf
Last edited by Jadess : 11-03-07 at 05:53 AM.
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