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Belechannas 06-30-13 04:59 AM

nUI5: flyout spell cooldowns ignored
1 Attachment(s)
After being annoyed long enough with nUI not showing the cooldowns of my Shaman's totems (why does nUI hate Shaman?!), I dug into the code and figured out why.

The problem is that now all totems are stored in the spellbook as flyout lists, and nUI essentially ignores spells buried in there when building its spell table (which is in turn used to build the cooldown table). In particular, when scanning the spellbook, it finds the top-level flyout item (which has nil spell name, and hence is ignored), but doesn't "drill down" to the spells contained.

This presumably affects various other flyout abilities (hunter and warlock pets, rogue poisons, mage ports being some I can think of), but none of these have cooldowns (I think).

The solution is slightly messy, since nUI tracks spells using their index in the spellbook, which does not exist for flyout abilities.

The attached hack seems to work, but it is hardly beautiful code; it also contains the fix for passive spell cooldowns (e.g. Reincarnation) discussed in the above-linked thread.

Edit: to be clear, the problem is totems (and any other flyout spells) not appearing on the cooldown bar of the HUD.

spiel2001 06-30-13 12:00 PM

Yeah... this is a problem that I've been trying to figure out the best solution to in nUI6. I'm not happy with either solution (or several of the others I have tried) -- it's not a small part of why I still haven't released auras for nUI6. I'm being anal and OCD, but the solution has to be right.

To be sure, it is a problem and I am aware of it.

spiel2001 09-11-13 06:34 PM

This should be in tonight's 5.07.37 release


Originally Posted by Belechannas (Post 280594)
After being annoyed long enough with nUI not showing the cooldowns of my Shaman's totems (why does nUI hate Shaman?!), I dug into the code and figured out why.

The problem is that now all totems are stored in the spellbook as flyout lists, and nUI essentially ignores spells buried in there when building its spell table (which is in turn used to build the cooldown table). In particular, when scanning the spellbook, it finds the top-level flyout item (which has nil spell name, and hence is ignored), but doesn't "drill down" to the spells contained.

This presumably affects various other flyout abilities (hunter and warlock pets, rogue poisons, mage ports being some I can think of), but none of these have cooldowns (I think).

The solution is slightly messy, since nUI tracks spells using their index in the spellbook, which does not exist for flyout abilities.

The attached hack seems to work, but it is hardly beautiful code; it also contains the fix for passive spell cooldowns (e.g. Reincarnation) discussed in the above-linked thread.

Edit: to be clear, the problem is totems (and any other flyout spells) not appearing on the cooldown bar of the HUD.

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